You go to school here?

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In the morning I put on my outfit.

I got my things and walked downstairs

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I got my things and walked downstairs. My mom made my favorite. Eggs with syrup and pineapple pancakes.
"Looks like it's time to go" she said smiling and kissing my forehead.
"Cant I just be homeschooled?" I said rolling my eyes.
"Who's gonna teach you? Because I'm not." She said laughing.
I picked up my north face pink backpack and walked outside.
"Love you mom!" I said smiling and blowing her a kiss. She waved and I hopped on my baby blue bike and drove off.
I parked my bike next to three large motorcycles with the words "Cobra Kai never die" on them. I entered the school and there were kids everywhere. I walked to the principals office and she gave me my schedule. Room 231.
"thanks!" I said walking out
It took me a while but eventually I found the class. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened. "Class this is our new student Adeline" she said smiling.
"It's um just addy" I said quietly.

"Oh sorry addy you can sit next to Eli" she pointed over to an empty desk next to a tall boy with red spikes in his hair.
It was him! The boy from the mall. The one that was so absolutely rude. This is gonna suck. He had an evil grin. This year is gonna be hell. I sat down and he looked at me. "Don't try anything stupid" he whispered to me. I rolled my eyes. After class i walked over to the cafeteria. Someone pulled on my bag. I turned around and there he was. "Look it's mall girl" he said pointing to me. He grabbed my bag and held it over my head.
"Give it back!" I yelled. He shoved me against the lockers.
"Why don't you be a good girl and- " he said.
"Come on just leave her alone hawk" a tall blonde boy said.
He dropped my bag and rolled his eyes. I looked at the red hair kids face. He had a scar on his lip. He was really cute but didn't act attractive. The blonde boy walked over to me.
"Sorry about him. That's Eli and I'm Preston" he said smiling. Eli snarled.
"ITS HAWK" he yelled.
"Well tell ELI to leave me alone" I said rolling my eyes.
"Call me Eli again and you'll regret it" he said walking away.
In science I looked across the class and saw a familiar face. NO WAY. In fifth grade I had a best friend that moved. Her name was ally. Me and ally talked over text for the longest time but soon we lost connection. After class I walked up to her.
"ALLY?" I said.
"NO WAY ADDY?" She said hugging me.
"I just moved here!" I said.
"How about we go to the arcade and catch up" she said smiling.
She drove me to the arcade and we talked for hours. We played so many games. After we spent all our money we walked over to the counter to get our tickets counted. And their Eli was.
"What do you want" the counter guy said looking at Eli.

"Well to spend our hard earned tickets of course" he said laughing and slamming them on the counter. He grabbed his collar.
"So why don't you be a good girl and grab me that giant stuffed animal up there" he said letting go of the guy.
"you don't have enough tickets." The guy said.
Hawk grabbed his shirt again.
"OK OK!" He yelled grabbing the giant red teddy bear.
"Now why don't you get me the ps4 over there as well" hawk said smiling.
"I can't" the counter guy said.
"ELI LEAVE HIM ALONE" I yelled. Eli turned to me.
"I said call me Eli one more time and you will regret it. And you did so looks like your gonna regret it" he said pinning me to the wall.
"I'm gonna make your life a living hell. Just you watch" hawk said.
I rolled my eyes and tried pushing him.
"Your a feisty little girl" he said grinning.
"Here" he said shoving the giant red teddy bear in my arms and then walking away. Ally stood there in shock.
"Oh my god what just happened" Ally said.
"I have no clue" I replied.

Nothing to regret~ Eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now