The backpack

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I had finished exams early. It was Christmas and I was so excited to be coming home early. December 22nd. Me, Sam, and ally have been planning a little party or hangout at Sams place with the gang. We contacted everyone and found out a day they would all be back on, December 23rd. Though, I told no one I was coming back. Finally I would be coming home from college. I drove to the airport. Sam texted me.

Hey we're picking you up. Tell me when you get off: S

Ok!: A

It was a long trip.

But eventually I arrived. I texted Sam as I got off I looked around.

There they were. Ally and Sam.
I ran and hugged them.


"We missed you more" Ally said.

"Sooo how is Stanford." Sam said

"Its amazing" I said smiling.

"Tell me everything!" Ally said.
We got into the car and talked for hours.

When we got home I hugged my mom.

"Ooh! You scared me.. OH MY GOSH ADELINE! YOUR HOME!" My mom yelled.

She squeezed me tight.

We talked for a while.

Afterwords me and Sam and ally walked into my room.

"Omg hawks calling" I said.

"Uh! Don't tell him your home. We're gonna suprise him tommorow" Ally said shoving me into the bathroom.

I picked up.

"Hey princess!" Hawk said smiling.

"Hey! What's up" I said smirking.

"Nothing much. Just calling to say I love you. And also I wish you were here" hawk said.

"I know.... hey who's house are you at?" I said.

"Oh mitches! Me Miguel Bert and Chris are here" hawk said.

"Oh cool. I got to go. Talk to you later" I said blowing him a kiss.

I ended the call.


It was the morning.

I got up brushed my teeth and got dressed in a super cute outfit.

I straightened my hair.

Sam and ally got ready beside me.

"Ok. We're going to my house and then we're gonna invite the boys over. Adeline you knock on the door and I'll tell hawk to get it and he'll be so surprised!" Sam said.

"Ok!" I said.

We drove over to Sams house.

We were sitting on the couch.

"I'm gonna go get a milkshake while I wait. Tell me when everyone gets here so I can come" I said.

"Ok" Sam replied.

I drove over to the gas station.

As I was checking out I saw Tory.

"Hey.. Tory!" I said.

"Hey Adeline. Wierd seeing you here. I haven't seen anyone since ya know. College" Tory said.

"Oh yeah. Where did you get accepted?" I said.

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