The pool party

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It was March, things were starting to heat up and soon sweatshirts and jeans turned into tank tops and shorts.

It was Saturday and I was sweating my non existent balls off. I sat inside with the fan on high watching the new season of stranger things on replay. My phone started vibrating and I searched for it under my weighted blanket, finally I felt it and reached to grab it. The vibrating had stopped

Two missed calls from

I called her back and she picked up.

"Hey! Sam what's up?" I said putting the phone on speaker.

"Hey, Colby is having a pool party and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me." Sam said.

"Of course!" I replied.

"Ok pick you up at 6" she said ending the call. 

I got dressed in a super cute bathing suite

I got dressed in a super cute bathing suite

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5:45 Sam arrived at my house. I put on a large t shirt over my bathing suite.  I grabbed my bag with my towel and hopped in her car.

"Thanks for taking me" I said smiling.

"No problemo, since we didn't do anything after the dance. No boys today" she said smiling.

"No boys" I said laughing.

When we arrived at colbys mansion I hopped out and we parked in the round drive way. Tons of people were already here. Me and Sam walked over to one of the sun chairs and I laid my towel out. We sat and talked for a while. Soon me and Sam laid out on the sun chair and started tanning.

I was awoken when I felt like I was being picked up. I woke up and me and Sam were being carried, me by Miguel and Mitch, and Sam by Robby and Colby. I screamed and me and Sam started kicking. They walked over to the pool and threw us in. My shirt was soaking wet. I pulled it off and the boys stared at me in my bikini. I turned around and hawk was looking at me.  I hadn't spoke to him in a few months.  No boys today. I kept reminding myself.

I looked over at Sam and Robby making out in the water. I rolled my eyes. After they were done swallowing each other's throats I pulled her to the side.

"What happened to no boys" I said confused.

"We can have a girls night Sunday." She said smiling and walking over to Robby.

I love sam but that was such a bitch move.

Hawk walked over to me.

"Hey" he said smiling.

"Hey.." I said smiling back.

"I like your bikini" he said.

"Thanks" I said smiling.

Miguel jumped in behind me.

"Got ya" he said as he splashed me.

I splashed him back.

Nothing to regret~ Eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now