The Joy of Highschool

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Highschool sucked.  Just getting that out there.  The story of Eric can wait.   It can wait because it ties into this part as well.  But right now.  I have some explaining to do.  I know I burst the story of Eric on you.  Buuuttt still.  He is a very important part of this whole story.  A VERY important part.

Anyways moving on.  Okay so highschool was easy, yet tough for me.  Yes.  I had friends that I talked to a lot at school.  But only to pass the time.  I honestly was nothing like them.  Except they did influence me to start cutting.  They did it to relieve stress... So I thought I would to.  It did.  But it put even more on me.  Still I'm getting off topic.  Okay so group projects.  Some people love 'em, while others HATE them.  I was one of those who hated them.  I'm socially awkward and working with people I didn't really know, was v awkward.  The only class that I felt that I fit in was my art class.  The art teacher was amazing and honestly I wish she was my mum.  I know that sounds odd but she treated me better than my own friends did at times.  She was one of the only people that never doubted me.  She made me feel like I was normal.  And feeling normal, well, is an amazing feeling.  To be treated like everyone else.

    Somehow I was passing all of my classes.  So.  I met Eric halfway through the semester.  He was one of my best friends sort of and he was one of the reasons I passed my classes.  He wasn't like super smart because he was popular, he couldn't be that way.  But he always wanted me to do good.  He was like my brother, but not.  He was cool.

    After finals and after the first semester... I started being bullied.  I thought I was over my depression stage... But no... I wasn't.  I went home crying everyday... Eric tried to help...but it was his friends and they started harressing him.  I started failing every class.  No one had faith in me.  But the art teacher.  I tried remaining strong and fearless, but nothing I did helped or worked.  I stopped going to school.  No one noticed.  I just went on with my life. I had my "friends" get all the notes for me... The school honestly didn't care.  Neither did I.  Life just didn't even feel like life anymore.  It felt like a nightmare.  All of my demons escaped me and just surrounded me and haunted me.   Highschool was literally hell.  My bullies were my demons.  My dreams... they supplied the fire around me.  I didn't know how to put out the fire.  The only person that was like my extinguisher... was him... Eric.  And he wanted nothing to do with me.  Let's just say... My highschool experience... Wasn't the best.

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