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When I wake up, it's early in the morning. I look to my side and see Natsu sleeping peacefully, he even has a smile on his face. I kiss him on the forehead and he stirs but stay's asleep. I jump out of bed to get dressed. I had a wonderful sleep, but it's time to get to work now. I need to get every one else up to speed on everything. Plus the fact that I'm worried how everyone will react to the news of my father being the leader. I hope they all react the same way Zeref did.

I hope Mavis and Zeref are doing well. They looked so happy when we last saw them, I'm so happy things are back to normal around here. The next normal we hope to have is one were Raventail doesn't exist and I don't care who I have to kill to get there.

I'm just really hoping I'm not the one who has to kill him. I think I'd be able to do it but I'd prefer if someone else do it.

I exit the room and join anyone who is awake, which is Erza, Levy, and Juvia. There all early risers and they all seem to always be awake before I am. No matter how early I get up.

"Hey Lucy, good morning "Erza says.

"Good morning to you too" I answer.

"So what's the next big plan?" Levy asks. "How are we gonna take them down?"

"I have some thing I have to talk to the group about." I look down at the floor.

"Is it something to do with your dad being their leader?" Juvia asks.

"What!? How did you know?" I ask.

"Natsu told us when you went to talk to Zeref. But we all agreed on it, that it doesn't matter because your Lucy of Fairytail. We know you wouldn't help your dad, and betray us. Besides he hurt you and he hurt Mavis, we can't let him get away with that" Juvia answers.

"Do you really?"

Erza and Levy both nod their heads.

"We agreed on it too" I hear Gray say as he and the boys start to come on up. I see Natsu smiling behind them, he knew I was worried about how they were gonna react so he told them when I wasn't around so that I wouldn't see their initial reactions. He got them to understand.

I have the best husband a girl could ever ask for. I've also got the besest of friends. I laugh as I see that Laxus has grudgingly woken up and is being pushed up the stairs by Mira.

"I see that Mira still has to kick him out of bed every morning" I chuckle.

"Yeah and it gets worse every single day. This morning he called me his mother. That one sting a little bit" she grunts. They always seem like they argue all the time but that's just how their relationship works. However it may seem like Mira is the sweet one, however when they get into an argument, she usually wins.

Laxus doesn't seem to be anymore awake since she pushed him up the stairs, but he makes a part attempt at making her feel better by patting her on the head, which seems to just make Mira more angry. I wouldn't want to make her mad this early in the morning.

We talk and laugh as we wait for everyone else to wake up and come into the bar.


Everyone is in the bar waiting to hear the plan for taking down Raventail, except for a few stragglers that come in a little late.

"Is this everyone now?" I ask.

"Not yet" Natsu smirks at me and he points to someone pushing a hung-over man up the stairs. He obviously didn't want to get up this morning. He must have been one of the men who had a couple drinks last night after we go back.

Mafia Boss Lady (NaLu)Where stories live. Discover now