Tensions Rise

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I'm waiting for Natsu to finish hiding the last body, there are no hiding places around here so I guess he has had to be pretty creative when it came to hiding them. 

"There, finally" he mumbles. 

"We need to get going now. I assume they're all waiting for us now. Everyone else has already given the signal that their ready to go except us" I inform. 

"Yeah, and we still need to figure out where and what Laxus is doing" Gray reminds us. 

I forgot about that, I know he's probably fine but I can't forget how shook up he seemed when he saw that man. I don't know who he is, but it must have been someone he knew and cared about. Otherwise I can't really see it affecting him, I mean he's Laxus. The immovable being who only listens to Mira and even then it's only because she is scarier than him, and if he makes her upset she could threaten him with something else that all of us can't.

And what is that you ask....


I laugh at my own thought, I mean it may sound funny and ridiculous but it's true. 

We continue to trek through the base trying to get to our area. This place is huge and seems to be really out there. I wonder what they must be doing that they need such a huge base in the first place. The first time I was ever in the Raventail base when I met Natsu, their base was huge as well, but this new one seems to be even bigger than that one. There's a lot of purple in each room that we enter into and it seems to be their color of choice for their gang. I can't imagine what they must have done to get the money for this big of a base headquarters. 

We reach a stairwell that goes up to the next floor and it has grated staircase. We listen for a moment to see if anyone is in the stairwell. 

We hear voices. 

"Can you believe he really did it?" one man laughs. 

"Yeah, he's just as heartless a ever. "a woman laughs. 

I wonder what their talking about, I can imagine the who they are talking about is my father. It's not really hard to find out who they are talking about now with the way they are talking about him. 

"He just shot her with no hesitation" the man replies. "He must have no heart if he could do that to someone he once loved, and can't forget had a child with her. That brat Lucy, who joined with the Fairytail gang. Such scum"

I feel my knees go weak and I drop to the floor. I cover my ears and try to block out the rest of their conversation. They couldn't be talking about her, he wouldn't kill her. He wouldn't be that heartless. Could he be?




I see Natsu has dropped to his knees in front of me and is trying to talk to me but I can't hear him. Frankly, I don't want to right now. I know he wants to make sure that I am okay, but I'm not and I don't want to think about her right now. 

Now I have this fire in me to kill him, I want to have a bullet go straight through his head, and see him drop to the ground. He needs to go, he needs to die right now, he can't win. He knows I love her and I would be devastated to hear that she's gone, is that why he killed her? Is it to break me?

I feel Natsu dragging me into a corner so we can hide, from the men who are going down the stairwell towards us. While we wait for them to pass, I feel him wrap his arms around me and cover my head. I feel good in the moment to be wrapped in his arms, I don't hear much and I can't see anything as I lay my head against Natsu's chest. I close my eyes and let myself take in his scent. 

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