Complaining then Regretting

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October 16, 2020

"Oh my god! We just can't get along!" Said a voice from the desk right next to Milly's. It was Hailey's.

"I think viole-," Milly tried to reply.

"Milly, I'm not gonna beat Zander up and pull his hair." Hailey cut Milly off.

Milly rolled her eyes in a jokingly way.

"Well why don't you just-" Milly said until the teacher cut her off.

"Girls? What are you talking about?" The teacher said.

"Uh- nothing," Hailey said before Milly could even speak.

"Ok, I'll let you pass this time girls. But if you speak again you'll get detention," The teacher said.

"Yes ma'am," Hailey and Milly said at the same time.

But what they didn't know, was that Luke was right behind them and could hear them, and thought Zander needed to know this.

Zander went to confront Hailey once they got home.

"So Hailey," Zander said as he put down his bag.

"Taking crap eh?" Zander said.

"What do you mean?" Hailey said.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Hailey," Zander replied.

Sorry for short chapter qwp

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