A big, (and sad) fight

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"Ok, maybe I do. But what are you gonna do about it? Can I not complain in peace?" Hailey said.

"No, you cannot. Especially to one of our band members!" Zander exclaimed.

"Well, I don't even CARE about your reputation, you're just there to play piano," Hailey spat.

"Oh well, WE WERE NEVER EVEN REAL SIBLINGS" Zander almost screamed.

Hailey started to cry, and fell on the ground as thoughts of her mom dying came back to her.

"I HATE YOU ZANDER" Hailey yelled.

"What's going on here?!" Hailey's dad entered the room.

"And why is Hailey crying?!" Hailey's dad looked at Zander.

"It's nothing," Hailey said. She didn't want to talk about her mum dying to her dad, that would just make him sad.

"She was talking crap about me behind my back, so I told her we were never real siblings then she started crying and I don't know why," Zander replied.

"Hailey can you tell me what it is?" Hailey's dad said and crouched down to her.

"You'll be sad though," Hailey said.

"Fine. But tell me next time please," Hailey's dad insisted.

"O-ok," Said Hailey as she dried her tears and got up.

The next day, Zanders POV

I wake up to my alarm clock at exactly 7:00am. I want to cancel it and go back to sleep but I force myself to get up anyway.

Surprisingly, Hailey wasn't awake yet. She's usually awake around 6:30.

I get dressed, eat breakfast, and get on my way to the Starbucks close to school. Yes, I like Starbucks. Don't judge me.

As I'm walking, I remember what happened last night. I made someone cry. Damn, the guilt that comes from that is really harsh. Also, I guessed that it was about her mum because she didn't want her dad to know.

I don't know the exact story of her mum, but I guess it was sad.

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