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3rd person POV

Hailey got up at 7:30, aka 30 minutes before class. She had overslept, and now had 30 minutes to get to class.

She hurried and got dressed and got to school 10 minutes before it started.

"Hey Milly!" said Hailey.

"Hi" Milly replied.

"Guess what happened last night," Hailey said.

"What happened?" Milly said.

Hailey explains what happened

"I am so sorry for you!" Milly said.

They get home that day.

"Look Hailey, I don't want to fight anymore. It's literally high school now," Zander said.

"Ok, I'll admit. I have been quite petty with you and I think it's time for a change," Hailey said.

"I'm sorry, and I forgive you at the same time" Zander said

"I'm sorry too, I also forgive you" Hailey replied.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?" Hailey continued.

"Sure!" said Zander.

They get ice cream and start to get along well now.

Sorry its short this is rushed since i have 6% lol anyways bye

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