14) News... and Farewells...

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*Author Note*

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I've updated this story. I needed to take some time to work on my other book. I will try to start writing for this book more. Hopefully I can release another chapter or two before I go back to school in a week. Have an amazing day!

Ps. Do you have any BBRAE book suggestions for me to read? Feel free to promote your book if you've written one. I'd love to read it!
*Robin's POV*

I laughed at Beastboy's shocked face before turning and walking back to the room. On my way, one of the nurses stopped me.

"Did you hear the big news?" the nurse asked.

"What news?" I questioned.

"That villain... what was the name... I can't remember, but some infamous villain was murdered," She told me.

Suddenly I heard a voice come from The waiting room where the titans were as Raven rested.

"Robin! Get in here! Quick!" Cyborg said. He seemed panicked.

I said goodbye to the nurse and then ran into the room.

"What is it? What's wrong?" I asked.

Starfire pointed to the tv.

A news reporter was talking.

"A villain was found dead with 22 bullet holes. Further information about the death and the killer have not yet been released. We do know that the villain goes by the name "Slade" and has been wanted by every superhero in town for years"

I stood there in shock.

"Slade is... dead? How? Raven couldn't even kill him. He is one of the worst villains in the world. Who on earth was able to kill him... and how?" I asked as I tried to unscramble my brain.

My phone's ringtone played. I picked it up. I didn't recognize the number, but I answered the call anyways.

"Hello?" I asked.

"You're welcome," a familiar voice said.

I instantly knew who was on the other end of the line.


"You did it? You're the one that killed Slade? How? He's way stronger than you," I questioned.

The titans all stared at me in curiosity. They clearly wanted to know who I was talking to.

I put the phone on speaker. As soon as I did, they all instantly knew who it was.

The titans all looked shocked. Especially Beastboy.

"I was done being bossed around, controlled, and manipulated, so I did something about it."

There was silence as I processed everything she said.

Then she spoke up again.

"Look. The main reason I called you was to say goodbye. I'm done. I can't take it anymore. I can't be a villain anymore. I just want to be left alone to live a normal life. I'm driving now to go live with my cousin who lives off the grid. I know you won't call the police because you know that I didn't do anything wrong. If you were given the chance that I was, you would've done the same thing... oh... and my bad for trying to kill Raven... twice... Looking back on it, it was kinda immature and dumb. But I'm done with her too, so you don't have to worry about that."

"I don't even know what to say," I told her.

"Pass the phone to Beastboy," she instructed.

Reluctantly, I passed the phone over to Beastboy.

"What do you want?" Beastboy asked.

"I just wanted to apologize to you. I've put you through hell in so many ways. I even tried to kill Raven out of jealousy and spite. But I want you to know that I'm done being a villain. I'm going back to doing good. If you ever change your mind or things don't work out between you and Raven..."

"Thank you for apologizing, but we will never be together. Goodbye Terra. Good luck with life."

Terra sighed.

"Yah. That's what I thought. Well I hope you and Raven are happy together. You deserve it. Goodbye Beastboy."

The phone beeped 3 times, signaling that the call ended.

None of us knew what to say. We all just looked at each other in shock and confusion.

"So... I guess we can check our two most wanted villains off of our list," Beastboy said as he laughed awkwardly and scratched his head.

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