6) Waking up...and Operation T.T.D...

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Titans East took their places in the Titan Tower. The titans have spent their nights asleep in the waiting room. They refused to leave Raven. It was day 3 of Raven being in her coma.

The titans woke up early and began to discuss what they were going to eat for breakfast. They were interrupted by Dr. Jamie, who came out to talk to them.

"Good morning!" Jamie said cheerfully.

The titans all waved back and said good morning as well.

"I have some great news!" She told them.

They all looked up at her in anticipation.

"Today we can wake up Raven! Her brain activity is very promising. She shouldn't have too many issues waking up. We just received the medicine that we need. At exactly 12 pm today, we will wake her up from the coma. She will be on a medicine that will stop her powers from working temporarily. This will help so that if she gets scared or feels too many emotions, nothing will blow up or break. However, there are a few side effects."

The titans didn't care about side effects. Raven was going to wake up!

"The first side effect is that the medicine often causes the patient to tell the truth. I know it sounds weird, but it happens for some reason. There have been a few cases where the truth was hard to hear and it ruined relationships, but you all seem very close, and I'm sure that won't be an issue." Dr Jennie told them.

Beastboy hung his head down. He realized he wasn't ready to hear the truth from Raven. He didn't want to hear that she hates him and doesn't care about him.

"The second issue is that we can only keep her up for 24 hours exactly. No more. Remember, the purpose of waking her up is to measure how good or bad her memory, coordination, and brain function is. Things like amnesia, slurred words, or forgetting how to do things like walking. We don't want to risk running out of medicine, or putting too much strain on her mind and body."

The titans all looked at each other with smiles.... except for Beastboy. All of them were happy that she would be awake. Even if it was just for 24 hours.

"The third and final side effect is that she will not have any memory of anything that happens in the 24 hours once she wakes back up again. Whatever happens will be gone from her mind at the end of the 24 hours as soon as she goes back to sleep."

"So friend Raven will have no recollection of waking up and seeing us again?" Starfire questioned.

"I'm sorry, but no" Dr. Jamie sadly responded.

The titans looked up at the clock. It read 10:00 am. That meant 2 hours until Raven would wake up.

A nurse called for Dr. Jamie.

"Sorry, but I have to go now. I will be back at 11:55 am to get you all and bring you back to Raven's room." Dr Jamie told them with a smile.

They all smiled back and she turned and walked back. Robin waved the titans into a huddle.

"All right titans. We only have 2 hours before Raven wakes up. That means we have to get operation T.T.D (Terra-take-down) taken care of immediately. We can't let Terra see Raven, or Raven see Terra. Keep them separated at all costs." Robin told them.

They nodded.

"Cyborg, you monitor Terra's location. Beastboy, call Terra and tell her to meet you at the hospital ASAP. I'll call Titans East and tell them to get the fake money. Starfire, when they're done, you need to fly the money down to the warehouse and get it set up. We will have to move fast if we want to get this done before Raven wakes up." Robin instructed.

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