15) Homecoming... and Emotions...

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~Authors note~

Hi! So sorry for taking so long to update. I've been working really hard on my other BBRAE story, better together. (18+) (no smut, just trauma 😅) feel free to check it out if you're old enough! I'm also getting ready to release a series of original BBRAE short stories (more on that later) thanks for reading! Feel free to vote and comment on my chapters! I love hearing from you guys!

Without further ado, let's get on with the chapter!!

*BB's POV*

We told Raven that Slade had been killed by Terra, but left out the whole "she tried to kill you" part.

"Terra? Who's Terra? And who's that?" Raven asked as she pointed to me.

We all looked at each other. It was worse than we thought. Way worse.

My heart shattered.

"Nah I'm just kidding. I could never forget someone as annoying as you," she said with a laugh.

Raven... laughing...?

I once again thought back to our time together. Hearing her cute sweet giggles and feeling her hugs and kisses (not on the lips of course).

A nurse came in to check on Raven's vitals. The other titans left, but I didn't notice. I was sitting on a chair staring out of the window, daydreaming of that night.



"GARFIELD!" She said loudly with her hands cupped around her mouth.

I jumped and looked up, noticing that everyone was gone.

"What?! What's wrong?! And did you call me... Garfield?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"I needed some way to get your attention. You were staring off into space. Looked like you had completely left earth," she said.

I laughed, embarrassed.

"Yah, sorry about that," I said as I scratched my head awkwardly.

"What's on your mind?" Raven asked.



"Am not."

"Am too."

"Look Raven. I'm just not feeling good, ok?" I asked, a little louder and meaner than I meant to.

She looked taken aback. She also looked crushed. Like a kicked puppy.

"Oh. Sorry," she responded.

I was about to speak back to apologize when the rest of the titans walked back in.

"Oh there you are BB! We thought you left the room. We couldn't find you," Cyborg said, relieved.

"Sorry about that..."

"It's all good dude."

Robin looked over at Raven, who was still In her hospital bed, now looking away from all of us.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." She replied in a monotone voice with a straight face.

"Oh... ok. Well let me know if you need anything,"

She didn't respond.

"Hey Beastboy! I've been meaning to show you something. Come here!" Robin said happily as he walked into the hallway.

Curious, I followed.

He gripped my shoulder.

"What the hell did you do to her?" He asked while gritting his teeth.

My throat burned as I held back tears.

"I lost my cool and kinda got mad at her. I didn't mean to. I feel like the worst human ever. So much for her liking me," I said as a tear left my eye.

Robin sighed and placed his hand on his forehead.

"It's ok. I know you've been on edge and not sleeping. Just... try to be more careful from now on," he told me.

"I will. I promise. Anything for her."

We started to walk back into the room when Robin turned back around.

"Oh... and 8 days left, Beastboy."

I hung my head down.


*The next morning*

Still BB's POV

It was morning. Time for Raven to go home. I was exhausted. I barely got any sleep. Me yelling at her rang through my head. The image of her sad and hurt face kept flashing through my mind.

I walked into the hospital bathroom and splashed cold water on my face.

"This is it. She's coming home." I said quietly to myself.

When I walked back into the room, the IV was being removed from her arm.

"Thanks!" She said cheerfully to the doctor.

Yes! She's finally in a better mood!

"Hey Raven! Good morning!"

"Oh. Hello Beastboy," she said monotonously.

My heart sank.

She got released from the hospital and we got in the car to head home.

The titans all talked, but I just sat looking out the window.

What I didn't see was Raven looking over at me and frowning at the sight of me being sad.

When we got into the tower we all settled in and ate. Robin and I washed the dishes.

"7 more days," he whispered.

Soon the day was over. Midnight. I headed to my room, but saw Robin walking by.

"6 more days," he said.

I was filled with dread. I walked into my room and plopped on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Emotions swarmed my mind.

I went from being sad, to catching myself smile at the thought of Raven and I being together again.

"Man. This girl will be the death of me..." I said to myself.

*Raven's POV*

I walked to the kitchen to get a late night mug of tea. When I walked by Beastboy's door, I heard him say "Man. This girl with be the death of me".

I smirked and kept walking.

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