13) Awake... and Together Again...

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*The next morning *
*Still BB's POV*

There I was again... in the waiting room. My leg was bouncing up and down rapidly out of nervousness, but I didn't even notice. My thoughts were so crowded. My mind was spinning. My stomach was filled with butterflies. I could feel and hear my racing heartbeat throbbing rhythmically in my chest.

I looked up at the ticking clock.

7:00 am.

A whole hour left.

"Can't this thing go any faster?!" I thought out loud.

After hearing me, Cyborg walked in. He looked at me with raised eyebrows and then came over and sat down next to me.

"You excited for Raven to wake up?" He asked with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully in frustration.

"Seriously though. You good BB?" Cyborg asked. His facial expressions showed concern and compassion.

"Ya. I'm good. Just anxious for Raven to wake up." I answered.

Cyborg looked down at my bouncing leg and tapping fingers.

"Oh man really? I couldn't tell at all!" He joked.

I was just about to respond when the rest of the titans came in. We started talking, helping to distract ourselves. We were desperately trying to get time to go faster.

"How are you feeling Starfire?" I asked.

"I'm doing well. I am just excited for friend Raven to wake up," she replied.

"I think we can all relate to that," Cyborg said.

Then the clock finally reached 7:55. Right on time, a nurse came out and motioned for us to come. It was time for us to go see our Raven.

Dr. Jamie led us through the hall to Raven's room. I could feel the excitement and anxiousness radiating off of all of us.

Every step that we took made the butterflies in my stomach multiply. My heart was racing even faster, and I felt like I was going to pass out.

The nurse led us into a small room. We all walked inside.

I looked over and saw Raven laying peacefully in her bed. Even though I was ridiculously nervous, I was still so excited to see her again... even if she hates me.

Dr. Jamie walked into the room, followed by a nurse holding a bag of fluid.

The nurse then walked over to Raven and hooked it up to the tube that was going up to her iv drip.

Dr. Jamie looked up at us.

"She should be walking up soon. You guys can wait here or-"

"We will wait in here." Robin said, accidentally interrupting Dr. Jamie.

She laughed a little.

"Ok. Just let me know if you need anything or if she wakes up" she said as she pointed to the call button on the bed.

"Ok. Thank you," Robin responded.

After what seemed like forever, I turned and saw Raven's eyes open. Just barely, but still open. I turned around to the rest of the team.

"Look guys! look!" I said excitedly.

Their faces all lit up when they saw her.

Eventually her eyes opened more and more and she started to move her hands and feet. I wanted to run up and hug her, but then I remembered that she's back to normal now.... Back to hating me.

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