34) Love can...

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"He is?" Jeremy exclaimed, peeking over my shoulder and scratching my cheek with his stubble. I winced and pushed him away slightly with a smile.

"Yeah. He's been that way for awhile...but I didn't want to wake him up. Now, shush." I giggled quietly, putting a finger to my lips. With a roll of his eyes he planted a kiss on my cheek and eased himself off of the bed like a stretching cat.

"Here." he yawned. With an odd gentleness, his arms wrapped around his brother's chest and slowly lifted him off of my stomach. Bucky whimpered, and slumped over, no doubt awake. With a frown I began to stroke his head to coax him to go back to sleep.

"Wandering child of the earth. Do you know how much you're worth? You have walked this path since your birth. You were destined for more. There are those who'll tell you you're wrong. They will try to silence your song, but right here is where you belong. So don't search anymore." I hummed the familiar tune. I wasn't sure why I began to sing a lullaby I remembered from when I was little but...I did.

"You are the dawn of a new day that's waking. A masterpiece still in the making. The blue in an ocean of grey. You are right where you need to be. Poised to inspire and to succeed. You'll look back and you'll realize one day..." I continued, feeling an odd sadness welling up in my chest. Bucky looked up at me with his sparkling blue eyes as tears began to leave tracks down my cheeks.

"In your eyes there is no doubt, as you try to figure it out. But that's not what life is about, so have faith there's a way. Though the world may try to define you, it can't take the light that's inside you. So don't you dare try to hide. Let your fears fade away." I hiccuped out. Bucky sat up and pressed his forehead to mine as I began to break down in heart wrenching sobs.

"You are the dawn of a new day that's waking. A masterpiece still in the making. The blue in an ocean of grey. You are right where you need to be. Poised to inspire and to succeed. You'll look back and you'll realize one day..." I managed to whimper. Jeremy was now at my side with his arms wrapped protectively around the two of us.

The truth was finally starting to hit me. The fact was that I might never see them ever again was weighing heavily on my conscious. I hadn't been in their lives for years...and I was going to abandon them AGAIN. I couldn't, with all of my power, let that happen.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I left you. I love you both...please." I rasped, unable to hold back tears anymore. All of the anger, frustration, pain, and feelings that had welled up inside spilled out. I don't remember how long we stayed like that, just holding each other.

"I love you both. I love you so much." I whispered, holding them tightly. Bucky nuzzled his face into my neck, crying as well, while Jeremy pressed his face into my hair. I couldn't see if he was crying but I wasn't sure if I wanted know that anyway.

"We love you too, Eleanor. Much more than you know." Jeremy sighed, holding the two of us in his arms. I felt a chuckle leap from my throat that was entirely unexpected. Not only did it take me off guard, but it took all three of us off guard.

"I love you, and I mean it." I giggled, suddenly feeling tickled. I planted a kiss on Jeremy's jaw and Bucky's nose before my eyelids began to grow heavy. Exhaustion was beginning to kick in and I couldn't help but lean against them both for support.

"Jerebear, and Buck? I love you both no matter what."

* * * *

 "Mmm...what time is it?" I murmured, ruffling my disheveled bedmane. Jeremy looked down at me with a TV remote in hand. Just by looking at the drapes I could tell it was pretty dark outside.

Oh no. Please don't tell me I'm late for work... 

"It's almost eight. You slept for a while...and so did Bucky." he chuckled, pulling me into a sitting position. When I looked to my right I was able to make out the familiar locks of dark brown hair lumped on a pillow.

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