Part 2

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“Is this perhaps…yours?” he chuckled, smiling and holding out the pen in his grasp. Almost choking on air I couldn’t reply….. or move, he was just to intimidating. Beautiful people were always the most intimidating for me, them- standing there with all their looks radiating off them, almost like the sun.

“Perhaps. ” My voice cracked and I quickly stood up to accept my graphite pencil. My fingers touched his as I was taking my pencil back, even though I tried to avoid it.

“I heard your music that was coming from your phone before, Masquerade Suite Waltz, am I correct? I enjoy that genre of music as well, quite tasteful if I do say so myself. I recommend th-”

“Actually, I only study to this type of music. Now can I please have my pencil back?” He seemed surprised at my discourteous remark, shaped eyebrows disappearing into his wavy hair.

“Sorry, I guess I was a little abrupt myself, getting straight to the point. I’m Chris, pleasure to meet you,” he held out his hand wanting to exchange a handshake. “And you are?”

“Dolcey, My name is Dolcey. Nice to meet you too.” I replied awkwardly, I just stared at his hand until I gathered some sort of courage. I grasped his hand and shook it in obvious social discomfort. Assured by my slightly positive reaction he continued our conversation, even though I had to sit down when I almost faceplanted again when the train began to move, he himself still managing to stay standing whilst the train was travelling at top speed, even when the train was swerving and almost toppling at every turn of the track.

“So, what’s a person like you doing on a train at this time of night?” He questioned, lifting a brow and leaning on the metal pole beside him.

“I’m studying in the west of the city and I had to stay back at work. It’s taken quite a lot of money out of me, thank god for student loans.” I smiled, relaxed a little. Chris was a really easy person to talk to for some reason, he radiated comfort and warmth. “I could say the same for you, dressed like this. You like you went to an art show.” He was surprised by my assumption, he sat down across from me and flipped one leg over the other.

“I did in fact attend an art gallery tonight, is it really that obvious?” he chuckled and put his hands in his coat pockets.

“Not really, I just took a wild guess. You just seem like someone who would appreciate art.”

“I sure do.” He smiled and pulled out a pen out of his pocket, clicked it and scrawled on the back of his hand, attempting to draw out the ink. “You could say I tend to feed off the emotional meaning of nice looking things.” He held out the pen. “Here, this is a good pen, when you spilt your pencil case before, I saw that you had very few good pens, have one of mine.” I gently took the pen, unzipped the front of my bag and slid the pen in. I smiled hesitantly, kind of weirded out.

“Thanks… I guess. I’ll be sure to use it.”

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