Part 4

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We hit the ground in a cloud of dust and dirt, gravel going everywhere.

I sat up, tenderly rubbing the back of my neck and sighing slightly. We had landed near a small streetlight, just off the side of a dirt road, across from my house.

“Sorry about that,” a voice groaned. Chris was lying on the ground next to me massaging the bridge of his nose, back to normal, filthy from the dust, but back to normal.

“I have to be honest with yo-“ I tried to talk  but he cut me off.

“I know, I know… What kind of demonic bull-shittery was that? Blah blah blah. But just… forget what you just saw.  Or at the very least, don’t tell anyone.” He sat up gingerly and shook the debris out of his hair, earring jangling. He slung my school bag from his shoulder, “Catch.”  Then tossed it at me. “Aren’t you going to run, screaming,” he shook his hands in a mock scream and chuckled, “I am quite scary you know.”

“Yeah, yeah. Sure I was scared, and thought I was going die, but I am a rational person. Out of the three threats at the time – the train, those…things or you. I figured you’d be the least wanting to kill me, you seem like a pretty nice guy. And I don’t know if I want to ever see you do that again but... Look, I’m not perfect myself,” I said, chuckling uncertainly. I stood up. I held out my own hand, offering to help Chris up. He grasped it firmly and heaved himself to his feet. I continued, “Well.. thanks I guess. For saving me.”

“Anytime...anytime,” he sighed, eyes glazed. “You need to get home now. Those things will be here soon unless I do some more of…. that,”  he started walking unevenly down the gravelly road, shouting away from me  “Which I won’t be able to do- until I get more energy,” he turned around and shrugged his shoulders, lifting his arms in the air and almost losing his balance. “And that won’t happen till I get out of here.” He continued to walk, slightly careening from side to side.

“Are you sure you don’t need any he-“

“I’m fine, absolutely fine,” He ignored my efforts and staggered on. His step faltered and my stomach lurched. “Have a wonderful evening!” he said as he turned slightly, bearing a grin, and gave a small salute before falling flat on his face.

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