*Sad shorts*

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Time stood still, his hands clasped around my throat and his eyes so dark that hades himself would be fearful of this one. I always knew this time would come, the time where all would become lost. My back laying against the red carpet that had been stained with countless drops of crimson blood, in a room filled with a million love stories and this was mine, the man I once loved, the man I do love, the man I will forever love. The faded piano slowly built as my time was drawing to an end, the rain no longer harsh like moments ago, rather sweetly trickling across the window pain. I guess some would say it's romantic. People dream of a love story like the novels they read, yet they always overlook the most important part. 

 All books have their ending, and this was mine. 

The books had always calmed her.Old books, new books, books that smelled of dust and memories and lives passed. When they surrounded her, she felt tiny in the most liberating sense, as if she could get lost amongst them like only one more story.Ironically, the world of words and tales and history was the one place she could rest her mind when she chose for it to be, while remaining exciting and new every other time.The library, then, was a sort of safe haven she'd long since baptized as her own.It was no wonder she had ran away to it unthinkingly at the news. She was hiding and she was a coward for it, she knew that. Her life was falling apart outside of this otherworldly realm of minds' corpses. But, she thought idly, it almost didn't count if she was here.She could almost ignore the quiet anxiety calmly wrapping its tentacles around her heart and squeezing with every breath she took. She could almost forget about the pain igniting her bones. She could almost silence the panicked thoughts of betrayal and self-hatred.Everything was silent here. Numb. Empty. Her distress was paralyzed and dull, somehow.Her Father had always criticized her for that, disdain dripping off his tongue like venom with every word he stabbed her with. "You'd sit still and wave as you watch life pass you right by if given the choice," he'd say, and scoff, "Thinking, thinking, thinking. Where will you get thinking and not doing shit?"She couldn't help it. She was a coward, and scared, so very scared. She missed Mom.It was a nearly successful escapade, but not quite. She knew the promise that the echoes of pain made even as she attempted to forget she existed.The books helped, nonetheless. Her sad eyes were contrasted by her straight face. The bitter clench of her jaw when unnoticed by anyone who might care. And when she cried, she did it without a sound.

your bestfriend is getting married with the man you love. You stand on her side and watch your love watching his love with sparkly eyes causing your best friend to giggle. You could not watch anymore so you walk out, telling everyone on your way out that you aren't feeling well. After you start to fade out from the venue, you run to your safe spot, the abandoned library. It rains as if the sky's crying with you. You let your tears flow, smiling bitterly as you watched outside the window seeing the bride and the groom kiss. 

 "Someday I will too"

She had been asked to dance, and she accepted. She hid a smirk. This was exactly what she wanted. Make him trust her, then end it all for him. Make him love her, then break his heart. Literally. She felt for her dagger, hidden away beneath her skirts. So sharp, she pricked her finger at the slightest touch. They danced, and danced. The very moment the dance ended, she broke away, and beckoned for him to join her in the gardens. He obliged. They met, hidden in the shadows. She leaned in for a kiss, but then at the last moment, stabbed him in the heart. He looked at her, face full of shock and betrayal, blood spilling from his chest, and fell to the ground. Done. But then why did she feel like she had been the one stabbed? Why did she feel broken? She fell to her knees beside him, apologizing over and over, tears streaming down her cheeks. He lightly touched her cheek, wiping away her tears, his eyes never leaving her own. She was forgiven. The clock struck twelve, and the last of the light left his eyes. She was alone.

Just like every single one of the books surrounding him. His best friend's story came to an end. The final bow. Closed curtains. The end of the road. Just like everyone. His life ended. "With no regrets," as she'd say. But unlike her, he had so many. As the tears spewed from his eyes, his silent sobs retched from the back of his throat. Holding her favorite ring in his hand. He remembered when he had bought it for her, it being a couple sizes too big. So she turned it into a necklace, and she'd never fail to tell everyone. She'd always mention, "River bought it for me. It's his promise ring to me." His fox, her black coils of hair. Her green, almost yellow looking eyes. Her dark skin. How her hand always seemed to fit perfectly in his own pale one. And oh, the sight. The sight he saw when he watched her back away from him, tears streaming from her eyes as she smiled and told him that everything would be okay. Before she fell backward. Letting gravity do what it did best. The splash of water, and her disappearing almost instantly. Just like a fox, she was gone right when you blinked. His Vixen... But just like a fox. Once you see her, she's never really gone. Just hidden. So he hoped, as he sat in her favorite section of her favorite library, that she'd be back. Even if there was a small part of him screaming to give up.

Dear my love I wish these words were not lost like the tears a have shed for you over the last year my tears are salty like the water where your body lies oh how I wish to swim in those same waters to have some feeling that your still with me everyday I think about our love and our marriage and are child. Lilly is now six years old and is maturing into lovely young women she is so beautiful. Everywhere we go we get comments they always say she has your eyes and I have disagree and say that there her fathers they maybe my shape and colour but they are filed with your compassion and courageous-ness that I admired so deeply I miss you so dearly my love and would do anything to see you again though I have a part of you that I will never loose. Lilly. I wish this letter would find you but I will do the same as always put it inside glass bottle and let it into the deep ocean with hope that somehow one day you will read my words and remember your family, your home. With my sincere love and admiration a close my letter From your love 

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