chapter nine

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Being back at work didn't felt that relaxing as he thought it would.
Okay, perhaps relaxing was a bad word. Maybe, comfortable is a better word.
Getting back to his daily routine.
But now, all he thought about is being by Yami's side and being with Mokuba.
Kaiba taps his fingers nervously at his desk when he is thinking about Mokuba. What if he gets sicker while Seto is at work?
The ceo of kaibacorp swallows hardly.
At least Yami is with Mokuba. Keeping an eye on him.
Just knowing that, calms him.

Kaiba is walking home when Jonouchi suddenly spots him.
"Hey!" The blond man shouts and starts approaching Kaiba from his left side.
Kaiba stops walking in few seconds as he is recognizing the voice.
But then he snorts and starts walking.
"YEAH! I'm talking with you, richy boy" Jonouchi adds and faster his steps and grabs Kaiba's collar to turn him, facing Jonouchi's upset face.
Kaiba is looking with a stern face down at Jonouchi who is panting.
The taller man snorts chuckling.
"Ah... I figure I'd heard a dog barking..." he smirks teasingly.
Jonouchi wides his eyes.
"Who are you calling a dog again!!!"
Kaiba snickers.
"Beside... Who let the dog taking a walk without its owner?" He asks and slams Jonouchi's hand away with the back of his own hand.
"Perhaps I should call the dog catcher since you are a lost pup"
Jonouchi seems shaking of anger and tries choosing right thing to complain about.
"What have you done to Yugi?!" Jonouchi barks asking and points accusing at Kaiba who raises an asking eyebrow.
"What are you talking about?"
Jonouchi clears his throat and let his hand down to his hip.
"I know Yugi were visiting at your house... And then... After that; has he been in bad mood and having a sad smile plastered on his face... So...What did you do to Yugi, you bastard?!" Jonouchi asks and grits his teeth, growling.
Kaiba raises his eyebrows and looks confused at Jonouchi while the scene with Yugi visiting his house just to confess, plays in his mind.
Kaiba chuckles which confuse Jonouchi who tilts his head.
"You don't know what you are talking about, mutt..." kaiba grins.
Jonouchi gets an insulted look and jolts backward.
"HEY!" he shouts.
"If you want to know what happened... Ask Yugi... It's not my duty to tell you what happened between Yugi and me..." he snorts and starts walking.
"Hey Kaiba!" Jonouchi shouts after him.
"Just you know... I'm not a dog person...Leave me alone... Cats are better company than dogs..." kaiba says and silence Jonouchi by making him confused of the last part Kaiba said before he walks further away.

Kaiba is looking around in his mansion after Mokuba or Yami.
After awhile he finds them in one of the living room there Mokuba is snoring in the couch, leaning towards the armrest.
The younger brother has a light blue blanket  wrapped around him.
Yami is leaning at his palm on the other armrest while he unfocused is staring at the TV.
Kaiba sits down between them and shoots a quick look at Mokuba before he is looking at Yami who glances at him.
"I'm home..." Kaiba says and leans against Yami to give him a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Welcome home..." Yami sighs and looks bored at the big screen.
Kaiba raises an eyebrow.
"Is my little kitty bored?" He chuckles amused.
Yami looks asking at him.
Kaiba smirks.
"Guess who crossed path with a blond barking dog?!"
Confusion plays on Yami's face until he understands what Kaiba is talking about.
"Ah... So, you met Jono..." he chuckles.
"Were you nice to him?"
Kaiba shrugs grinning.
"Nothing more or less than usual" he explains.
Yami shakes his head.
"As expected..." he grins.
Kaiba is eyeing Yami.
"Want to play a game?" he asks and notices how he gets Yami's whole attention by a simple question.
"A game? Even though you are already allowed to have sex with me for the nearest future?" Yami asks and is examining Kaiba as he tries figure out what Kaiba tries getting out of the game.
Kaiba shrugs.
"Let's play a game for the fun...The winner can choose what to have for dinner..." he suggests.
Yami nods.
"Okay... What game do you have in your mind?"
  Kaiba grins.
"Let's play rock, paper, scissors... Mokuba and I use to play that together"
Yami raises a doubtfully eyebrow and looks asking at his own hand.
"Just that?"
Kaiba shakes his head snickering.
"No no... I have special rules to make that game more funnier... Let's playing in my room..." kaiba says and stands up from the couch.
Yami starts standing up as well and when Kaiba starts walking, he does that too. Following kaiba into his bedroom.

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