part twenty seven

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When I awoke the following morning, I was shocked to see that I was greeted with an empty bed, and I almost thought that both Andrew and Ella had left me, until I heard the sound of their laughter coming from my kitchen. I smiled to myself, something which I seemed to be doing a lot when it came to the father and daughter couple, knowing that the two of them were spending time together and that there was nothing my sister could do about it—she would probably be far too busy with Ben to give a damn who her daughter is with, or even what her daughter is doing.

The only thing Rebecca could do was stop me from seeing Ella, and she could even throw every manner of insults at me when she came to eventually pick her daughter up, but that wasn't anything she hadn't done before, so the thought of it happening doesn't even bother me. I was in too much of a good mood right now to allow some bitchass sister get to me today.

"I see that you are awake," Andrew was leaning against my doorframe with a grin on his face and dressed in the clothes which he had fallen asleep in the night before. He had described himself accurately last night when he said that he was sexy as sin, and the best part if that he is all mine, because I wasn't going to let him go anywhere and I wasn't going to let anyone else get their hands on him before I had the chance to officially make him mine once I returned from Spain.

"Well done, Captain Obvious," I laughed as I sat up and stretched away the aches and the pains, "what is Els doing?"

"Eating breakfast," Andrew said, "and you really should go shopping, your cupboards are looking a little on the empty side."

"If you love me, then you shall do it for me while I am in Spain, or at least get one of those many minions you have to do it on your behalf," I walked over to him, putting a quick kiss on his cheek, before I pushed him out of the way and walked into the bathroom. I wasn't stupid, and I also didn't want any surprises, certainly not while there was a three year old in the apartment, so I made sure to lock the door behind me so that Andrew couldn't join me.

I liked it when I was in the shower, because it meant that there was time for me to think, and it also gave me time to decide on things I would otherwise have been clueless on. The water, somehow, had a way of making everything else around me disappear and it only left me with a world where all my problems and thoughts consumed me. But all I could think about was the man who was, undoubtedly, on the other side of the door, and the things which he could do to me if we were alone right now.

The moment I closed my eyes, in an attempt to purify my mind, I found that the only thought which was present was that relating to what happened on Sunday morning before he allowed me to leave his bed.

"Morning," Andrew muttered as he put a trail of kisses along my jaw, purposefully missing my mouth, as he worked his way down my neck, only pausing when he got to the spot when sent me into a frenzy. He deliberately stopped and sucked on it, eliciting a highly pleasurable moan from my lips.

"Andrew," I said breathless as his hands moved effortlessly across my breasts, taking one of my nipples between his thumb and his finger, pulling on it hard. His mouth quickly covered my own and his tongue took advantage of my open mouth, and I didn't even bother to fight against him, because I knew that he would win and I didn't have the effort to be bothered with a pointless battle of dominance.

"This is a sight I could get used to waking up beside," his eyes never left mine, a smug grin covering his face, as I felt his fingers tracing the shape of my body. A feeling of sweet anticipation washed over me, the pleasure quickly building as he moved closer to my core, and it was amazing that this man didn't even have to touch to make me hot and bothered with him, silently begging him to fuck me as he had done the night before.

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