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Earth opened his eyes as soon as he noticed the cold of the ground. The blow hadn't been painful at all, but he certainly hadn't expected to be ripped from Nate's arms like that ...




From Nate's....arms?!

Quickly he got up and, sitting on the wooden slats, turned to Sam who was watching him from across the room. Seconds later, however, he could do nothing more than look away from his boyfriend's face as, with bloodshot eyes, he started cursing.

- "I'm ... I'm sorry ..." - he whispered, in a low voice.

Sam just laughed. Then furiously pulled a suitcase out of the closet and started gathering his things.

- "What ... what are you doing?"

- "I'm going to a hotel" - Sam replied without stopping for a second - "now ... now I don't want to see you."

- "But Sam ... it was nothing. I was dreaming and you know how that is .."

The man, with a grunt, closed the suitcase and placed it on the bed.

- "So Should I pretend that I hadn't heard you murmur the name of another man in our bed?!" - He exclaimed - "Natee! It's always him ... that boy has gotten into your head and in your blood. You see him almost every day, you spend hours talking to him on the phone and don't make me start talking about weekends....There's not a night when you don't go out to party with him!"

Earth shook his head as he got up from the ground.

- "But that's only because I want to help him. The poor boy is having a hard time after breaking up with his girlfriend. I ..." - he began to say, finally being interrupted by the ironic laugh of his boyfriend.

- "Help him?! Then tell me Earth ... What about our relationship? We haven't gone to a date for weeks, we barely see each other because if you're not in college you're with that boy ... What about me?"

- "But P'Sam ... you're not at home either. If you're not working, you've gone to a meeting or with your friends, and when we see each other you're always angry or don't want to meet me at the pub if Nate is going to be there too so .. "

Sam, hearing his words, could only shake his head.

- "So, in the end, it's my fault ..."

- "No but you have to admit that you are making a mess over nothing and about this night ... it was just a dream ..."

- "A dream in which you were kissing that boy or who knows what...!" -he snapped as he took the handle of the suitcase in his hands- "and all that while I ... while I was touching... I ... I can't handle this!"

After which he left the bedroom and the house. Earth, as soon as he heard the sound of the front door, dropped his head on the mattress of the bed and with a sigh he covered his eyes with an arm.

"I'm an idiot ...", he told himself while, through his mind, small flashes of his dream passed.

A dream where he could still feel Nate's lips on his own. How his hands had lifted him in the gym showers and then put him inside one of the small cubicles at the end of the room. Not without first removing, as if by magic, the shirt and pants he was wearing. His legs had then tied around the waist of Nate who, wearing only a swimsuit, still had his skin wet from the pool ... so soft, so warm ... that he had not been able to avoid biting it once and again.

A smile touched his lips as he remembered the small marks he had left on that pale skin.

Seconds later, however, he slapped his forehead hard in a vain attempt to escape the sensation of that body clinging to his ... the cold of the shower tiles that were pressed on his back while Nate...while his boy...

- "No ... Enough already!" He berated himself as he hit his head again with both hands.

A sigh came from his lips. Then he got up.

- "I've gone crazy ..." - he whispered as he went into the living room just to fall on the couch that was in the center of the room- "I ... this is crazy ..."

Because that was what it was...


Nate was just his friend and besides, he wasn't interested in men.

It was only one of many stupid things he had done in his life, only this time it was going to cost him his own  relationship with Sam or what little was left of it.

A small tear slid down his cheek.

Unfortunatelly, as much as he wanted, he couldn't keep lying to himself nor covering the sun with just a finger ... Sam hadn't lied. He had feelings for Nate. He had always felt something for the boy and, although he had tried to fool himself into thinking it was nothing important and that it would pass over time ... he had to admit that he was losing what little control he had left over his feelings.

He wanted to hear from him everyday, he liked being able to talk to Nate all night .. send him messages asking him what he was doing and with whom ...

He adored calling him just to tell him what had happened in his day and what he was studying while the young man did the same in relation to his swimming practices.

And those nights at the pubs ... those dates in which, in the end, Nate had achieved nothing more than to meet "a good girl" that however, failed to arouse even a slight interest in him... He had hated every one of them. Every smile and every touch of those girls' hands on Nate's arm had been a pang in his battered heart.

But that's normal, right? 

He had always known that he was possessive and very jealous so...well, it was no wonder that he was also possessive when someone took an interest in his best friend. The only one he had after what happened with Stud and the others of the group.

They kept seeing each other when they were free, especially with the girls, but it wasn't the same ... it seemed like some kind of barrier had formed between them, leaving him completely alone until Nate appeared. However now ... now he had began to think that his feelings for Nate were not just those of a simple friendship, not even similar to those that he had had when he had been attracted to someone.

They were much stronger ... more even than the ones he had felt for Sam when they started dating...

Earth bit his lower lip until he began to taste blood.

- "No ... I can't do this ... not after fighting so much ..."


The screen of his cell phone, which he had left hours before on one of the cushions, lit up indicating the arrival of a call. With a sigh he took it in his hands.

- "P'Sam, I ..."

- "Earth, it's Nate. I ... I'm going to a swimming competition for six months. My flight leaves in a couple of hours."

Earth's heart seemed to stop beating inside his chest.

- "Six ... six months ..."


It can not be...

Not now...

And yet each word from Nate only managed to bury him even further into the despair he was already feeling.

- "Yes ... I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but it was something that happened at the last minute ... I'll see you around after coming back, okay? - Nate continued saying through the small device-" now I have to go, the coach is calling me. I will miss you".


- "I will miss you too ... you don't know how much ... I ..." - Earth murmured as he dropped the phone to the ground and then buried his head in his arms.

He had been left alone. Completely alone...

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