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A loud blow sent Mike sprawled on the ground with his nose bleeding and a shocked expression on his face that, in any other situation, would have been comical.

Yet Kongpob had very little desire to laugh. In fact, all he wanted was to grab the man that was in front of him and take him out of his house with everything and bags included.


- "I ... I just want you to listen to me. I ..." - Mike whispered as he looked at Kong from the floor where he was sitting. 

Kongpob however did not even notice the pleading expression of his friend as he was very busy wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt.

- "K..Kongpob..."

- "I can't believe you. Go away Mike ... go away and don't come back"

However, the young man shook his head and, rising from the ground, approached Kongpob until he was a few inches from him. All that while keeping his reddened eyes fixed on Kong's face that, contrary to what he expected, clearly showed that it was not a joke ... that he, without a doubt, was being very serious.

- "No please... don't ask me that"

- "What were you expecting, Mike? For me to accept you?" - Kongpob asked and then let out a loud laugh - "as if I was going to abandon Arthit for someone else ... much less for someone like you".

Mike paled.

- "Kong please ... you know that he is never going to love you like you do. He ... he is never going to accept you publicly and much less in front of his family when he is not even capable of taking your hand when both of you are outside these four walls!"

Kongpob looked at Mike but said nothing, causing the boy to smile slightly despite the pain from his broken nose.

- "You know I am right ... that's why you don't say anything. You deserve better. I ..."

However, to the young man's astonishment, Kong began to laugh wryly.

- "It seems that you don't understand ... I love Arthit, I love him as he is. I adore him.. I adore his shyness, I adore his courage and even his obsession with sweets. I have fallen in love with him, with his good and bad habits and I don't need anyone to tell me what is good for me or what is not because you know... for me nobody is better than Arthit, nobody!"

Mike flushed and took a couple of steps back ... reacting as if he had received a blow to the stomach. Kongpob, noticing his pained expression, sighed. 

- "I know that many of our friends think that I am clueless, that I do not see when someone is interested in me ... and it may be true. But the truth is that I am not interested in seeing any of that because the only person I want to be interested in me is my Oon ... others do not exist for me. I guess that's why I did not realize Mei's feelings nor yours until it was too late and I'm really sorry but .. what you you've done has been too much and I don't even see myself being your friend anymore... not when you don't seem to be able to see that I will never notice you as more than a friend so, if you're going to keep trying to ruin my relationship with Arthit then ... we better not see each other again".

- "Kong I cannot believe what you are telling me. You are not like this... I...I don't recognize you" - Mike whispered, completely shocked.

Kongpob let out a slight laugh.

- "I know it .. I know that for everyone else I am the perfect gentleman. The one who always has a smile on his lips and who treats everyone with kindness. They never understand that, in addition to that, I am also a person who has his defects ... like that need of mine to help everyone, whether they have asked me or not, or this temperament that shocks many since they do not expect it from someone who always acts cool "- he said -" but I am made of flesh and blood and even I have a limit ... a limit that you have passed by trying to separate me from my Arthit in such a low way so no.... I don't want to have anything to do with you, not now not ever. Goodbye Mike... "

A couple of tears began to slide down Mike's cheeks who quickly grabbed his things and ran out of the apartment. All while leaving Kongpob alone who did not know whether to feel bad for having spoken to the young man like that or relieved for having already finished with the problem.

A sigh came to his lips and, closing the door of the apartment, he returned to his bedroom where he took the mobile and then lay down on the bedspread.

Quickly, he clicked on the screen and, after a few seconds, hit play ...

Arthit was smiling from his seat on the plane. Next to him was an immense moon-shaped stuffed animal that Kong had given him before parting ways and that the man had accepted with a completely flushed face that couldn't be any cuter.

"Moony and I are now ready for the flight, Kong ... we're going to miss you and no ... I'm not going to forget to send you that message after getting home so... see you soon.. I....

Koong I ... I ... I love you"

Kongpob smiled, stroking his boyfriend's face across the screen.

- "My Sun..."

After that he activated their private chat, writing a few lines to the man who would undoubtedly not see them until he arrived to Thailand.

"My Oon ... I'm sorry I can't be there to hug and kiss you, I wish I could teleport home to spend every night with you. That is why I decided that I'm going to let Moony take my place until I come back in four months, but then I want my position unoccupied Ok? 

I love you, Kong

Kongpob laughed, imagining his boyfriend's reaction when he read the message. After which he got up and leaving his mobile on his nightstand, he went to his desk where he had all his study books.

- "Come on Kong, you need to pass your exams before you can see your Sun so...it is time to study!"

After which he began to check his notes from his last classes without noticing how, just half an hour later, his mobile began to vibrate with the arrival of dozens of messages from his friends who, terrified, were calling to tell him that Mike had just tried to commit suicide and that the ambulance was taking him to the hospital.


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