You Are My Gift

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"And I wouldn't trade you for any other."

Female reader x Male Minotaur God


Everyone seemed to pity me as I went. Since I was young, I was marked to be gifted to Minotaur God. I had no family to miss me and no one that really needed me so I was the perfect candidate. Now, I was turning twenty in a few hours and the preparations for me to be offered were underway. All these years I'd been ostracized or bullied by the people around me. I wasn't sure what would become of me once I was in the Minotaur's clutches, but I knew he'd faithfully protected this village for many generations. If he would defend these people without ever setting foot in town, how bad could he be? At this point, he could snap my neck and drink my blood upon an altar and it would be better than the shit the boys put me through.

When the drums began, I was escorted down to the edge of the forest where everyone was gathered. I was dressed in black robes with nothing underneath, the cold air chilling me to the core. The priest chanted in a language I'd never heard before and the torches all around me blew out and the drummers ceased their playing, everyone going silent. "Go, girl. Follow the path lest you anger the beast!" The priest's dry voice broke the stillness of the air and my feet moved on their own, carrying me, barefoot, through the dense forest.

I walked for what felt like hours until my body was numb with the cold. Finally, I saw a cave, the faint light of fire shining from deep within it. My gut told me to go to it, so I did. Large stairs, intricate designs, and pillars were perfectly carved into the stone of the cavern. I marveled at it, walking deeper to find pits filled with gold and treasure. Jewels and pearls were hung from the ceiling, light from the torches creating beams of color all around me; I was in awe.

 I hadn't expected the home of the Minotaur to be grimy or unkept, but this was a sight from my wildest dreams. I walked past was looked like a kitchen with a firepit at the center and a huge room with waterfalls filling a large pool, stopping in a room with a bed that looked big enough for ten full-grown men. It was draped in silky fabrics and plush furs. An arch with beaded curtains separated the bedroom from a library that was dimly lit. "Hello?" I called out weakly. "Sleep, little one," I jumped at the sound of the deep, rumbling voice. I knew who it had to be, the Minotaur. "Where are you?" I asked a little louder. "Worry not of where I am, concern yourself with getting comfortable," His voice was soft and warm, not the voice of someone that wanted to murder me. I did as he said and slipped under the many fabrics on the bed, instantly fading into a peaceful slumber.

For many months, I was left by myself in the cave, only the voice of the monstrous god to keep me company. He got me acquainted with his home and we became good friends over time. I learned his name was Afonaxey, meaning "Immortal defender" and I agreed it suited him. I told him little jokes I'd only ever been able to tell myself as a child and he'd chuckle, calling me crazy. There were many times I asked if I could see him, but he always refused politely. Others I asked if he could see me and he would always tell me no.

 At first, I didn't believe him, but now I saw no reason not to. He left me food everyday like rabbit, chicken, and fruits and vegetables to go along with it. There were times he would set out new clothes for me or little trinkets that I would fidget with throughout my day. Since he came when I was asleep. I'd leave him cooked meals and baked pastries I'd learned to make in my free time, modifying recipes to accommodate the appetite of a God. Afonaxey always had kind words to say about it when I woke up and I was generally happy to have someone to talk to like this.

Today was different though, Afonaxey was silent. I called to him, but got no response so I settled to wait for him. The hours stretched on and it was agony. I decided to lounge around in the pool room, leaning against a pillar, my waist submerged in the warm water. My mind went back to the days I watched the handsome Orc men come through the village; they always seemed to catch my eye. I sighed to myself, reaching a hand down between my legs, circling my clit with a finger as I closed my eyes.

 No one really spoke to me, but I still longed for love and someone to call mine, but was never given the opportunity. I'd never even had my first kiss and it only gave people something else to laugh at me about. I quickened my pace as I imagined myself with a man, finally experiencing the pleasure I so longed for.

  Then, I pictured myself with the Minotaur, a god giving me pleasure. I pondered how it would feel to run my hands through his fur, look into his eyes, and give myself to him completely. I moaned out, the lewd sound echoing through the halls. I wanted to hear him whisper obscene and filthy things into my ear, tell me I was his, burn the memory of his touch into my mind. I added more pressure against the bundle of nerves, my orgasm crashing over me in an intense wave. "Afonaxey-" I clamped my hand over my mouth just as I said his name. And when I looked up, there he stood in all his glory. 

  Afonaxey was truly a god, built with defined muscle that made him look like he could destroy me in seconds. His fur was a rich, golden brown, his eyes were more emerald that the gems decorating his home, and I had to look away. I caught a glimpse of his giant cock as it stood fully erect with piercings all along it. (cuz we're into that on this side of the tracks my guy)

You could cut through the tension in the room with an axe(the irony), but neither of us spoke. There was nowhere for me to run, not that I wanted to anyway. "Have you any idea just how hard it's been for me to stay away from you?" He began to wade through the water towards me. "You're so cute and small and I'm.... a monster," Afonaxey stopped a foot and a half from me, towering over my small frame, "Aren't you scared of me?" I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak. 

 He picked me up, pressing me to the stone pillar. "No? Surely you jest, little one." I reached out to touch him, running my hands over his fur and touched his horns, "You've been k-kinder to me than any h-human." I wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing him closer; I wanted him. "Such an innocent face, but you are quite the opposite. Tell me, why did you moan my name while you pleasured yourself? I could smell your sweet arousal for miles," I blushed, but wasn't about to get shy. "I just realized how much I wanted to know your touch," He kissed my cheek, "Well I intend for you to never forget it." I could tell my fate was sealed as he carried me off towards the bedroom, but I wished for no change. 


Part 2?


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