Chapter 6 New Faces

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I opened the door to see James standing in my face.
"Can I help you" I said.
"Did you check to see if there were any new girls" he said.
"Ye there were about 3 or 4" I said back with low expression.
James head then bent around my shoulder and Olivia came into his line of sight.
"Who's that" he said with excitement
"Olivia she came alone"
He then went to walk into my room but I put my hand on his chest and gave him a look to back off.
"She's very on edge and the last thing she needs is a desperate teenager trying to prove a point" I said quietly.
"Alright Jesus chill out. very protective over this new girl of yours arnt you" he said sarcastically
"See ye asshole" I said with a smile and shut the door in his face. I then looked at Olivia before sitting down at my desk in the corner. she looked so peaceful. these days there isn't really enough power around for Xbox or phones so the only way of entertainment is reading or writing. I keep a diary and more or less document everything these days.
"You handled that pretty well" a voice from behind said.
"You didn't here the whole thing did you" I said
"Yep every word including new girlfriend" she said cheekily.
I ignored the remark and said "how was your sleep"
"Best I've had in weeks" she replied
"Are you ready to go meet everyone else then" I said
"Ye sure where can I get changed"she asked.
"The bathroom should be fine" I said
She walked into the room and closed the door. I sat down and got changed myself. Sometimes your feeling a bit horrible so a change is nice. My arm started giving me problems so I had to do my usual and stand in the mirror and stretch for a while. From when everything went bad my arms were in use quite a lot so I was looking pretty good but it came with the consequence of easy injury.
Olivia came back out the bathroom and stared at me up and down with a wow look on her face.
"If you look anymore your eyes will stick" I said with a laugh
"Sorry just you have a very nice body" she replied.
I opened the door and the two of us left for the new comers meeting. As usual James,Kelly,Shannon and Faith were there but that Lewis kid was there too. I'm sure James was thrilled. "ok everyone this is Olivia. she's knew and doesn't know anyone do she's staying with me" I said. They all said hello but faith pulled me to one side and questioned me. "Why's she with you" she said.
"Andy said there were no other rooms available and she has no one at allegory her so she's alone".
"Alright just as long as she doesn't try anything with you since your mine and I wish I could stay in your room all the time" she said
I gave her a kiss and said "don't worry about it it will all be fine"
The day seemed to go pretty fast from there and before we knew it me and Olivia were heading back to our room to go to bed.
"So what did you think of everyone" I said .
"They were all very nice and welcoming" she replied with.
"As long as your settling in fine that's alls that matters" I said.
She walked into the bathroom and I got in my underwear and into bed. I started reading until Olivia came back out the bathroom in just a nightie and came and sat on top of me.
"Can I help you" I said
"I just wanted to thank you for alls that you have done for me" she said.
"Whatever happened to thank you" I said
"Thanks you is not good enough" she said as she pulled back the cover and sat properly on my lap.
"but what about Faith she'll be-
She cut me off
"You said your not together so there's nothing wrong with this" she said.
Before I could reply she was kissing me and we were under the covers.

I woke up in the morning with her still in bed with me. she looked so cute I Mayer there for a while until I realised what had happened. the only word that described the situation was shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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