Chapter 5 New Arrivals

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Yes it's been a good few months since I have updated but oh well
The bus pulled in and from the looks of it, it was pretty full. about 30 people got off the bus half adults half kids.
Andy gave me the list like usual. I knew the procedure these days.
"Ok so everyone who is with each other get into your ow little congregated groups please so it will speed up the process and it means you will get to your rooms quicker" I said
One by one the different groups gave in their names and I quickly showed them were to go.
I then carried on with my normal routine to make sure no one had left anything on the bus and to my surprise there was still someone there.
There was a teenage girl with bright blonde hair and sea blue eyes.
"Are you ok" I asked but she didn't answer. "Everyone has gone to their living quarters so why haven't you followed"
She just looked at me like I was clueless but then I clicked.
"your alone arnt you" I said. She gave a slight nod. "What's your name" I asked
"Olivia" she replied
"You don't sound like someone from Liverpool or Sefton Olivia"
"I'm from Blackpool" she replied
"Oh that's different. Right shall we get you a room" I said
She stood up and I walked off the bus behind her.
"Andy this girl came alone and wasn't with anyone on the bus so she needs a room to her self" I said
"I'm sorry mate but your the only one with a single room because of your conditions so she might have to stay with you" he said
I gulped
" well this should be fun" I said in the most sarcastic way possible. " looks like your stuck with me then"
We arrived at the my room and i opened the door.
" let me just clear this bed for you. I'm not very user to having others staying here" I said
She looked around the room and noticed Faiths nightie from last night.
"So who's is that" she said
" just my friend Faiths" I replied.
She gained more energy suddenly "is she your girlfriend then" she said with a cheeky look on her face.
"No but she's the closest thing I have to a girlfriend. Me,her and 3 other kids got out from school when stuff first went downhill. we got our family's if we could and survived for a while until we found this place"
" so where is your family" she said
"I was the only one who couldn't do this is why I have this room. I do a lot of work too so I get treated well" I replied.
"Oh I'm sorry" she said
"No honestly it's fine and I'm gonna recommend you get some sleep since you've had a long journey" I said.
She got into bed and while lying their said " I never got your name"
"Joey" I replied
"Joey can you hold my hand while I fall asleep"
"Sure" I sat on the side of the bed holding her hand but she fell asleep very quickly.
I then got up to sit on my bed but there was a knock on the door.

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