𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 5

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[ That must've distracted her because she noticed a grunt coming from the man she was healing and a hand around her wrist applying a little too much force

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[ That must've distracted her because she noticed a grunt coming from the man she was healing and a hand around her wrist applying a little too much force. ]

"Sorry." as soon as she muttered that apology, the hand on her wrist stopped squeezing slowly until it pried off.

She lifted her eyes from the wound and looked at the witcher who was now looking at her every move, probably to make sure that she didn't mess up again.

They locked eyes like they had done that day at the tavern but they broke the eye contact as quickly as they had also done that very day.

Darrene went back to cleaning up his wounds. It almost seemed like he was falling asleep until she had put pressure on the bigger injury. Not now, now he was present and calculating, as if falling asleep wasn't even a possibility.

The brunette woman looked through her potions once she had finished cleaning the wounds and had thrown the rag back onto the water bucket. She picked two of them and mixed them together, she screwed the bottle where the mix was again and shook it so there was a homogeneous mix. She unscrewed it once again and dropped its contents carefully on the bigger cuts of the witcher's body. He flinched slightly as the liquid started bubbling, and grunted uncomfortably closing his eyes but he stayed in place and didn't shift much.

"Is it supposed to be doing that?" the bard made himself known once again.

"Yes." Darrene didn't give him the pleasure to start a conversation, she didn't even look at him.

She picked up a few long gauzes and waited for the potions to stop bubbling to talk to the witcher who had already opened his eyes again, "I need you to sit up." 

He did what he has told and she took the opportunity to also inspect the wounds on his back. They were small and some almost closed so she just ignored them, knowing that they would cure fastly. She wrapped the wounds with the gauzes, especially to make sure that the potions would be absorbed quickly into the damaged skin. 

As she was finishing by checking that the gauzes wouldn't suddenly break or slip out, she eyed the medallion on the witcher's chest. With her right hand on the left side of his chest, she noticed the witcher's eyes on her face without even having to look, still, she glanced upwards, meeting his amber eyes with her emerald ones for a little longer than before.

Darrene stood up and put back her elixirs onto her leather bag, leaving one on the bedside table, "It's a painkiller, take it when you need it." she looked at the man in the bed while she spoke, he was looking at the bloodied sheets that surrounded his body, "You'll need at least three days for those wounds to close completely."

Geralt grunted at that. If he wasn't pleased with the way she had cured him, he certainly didn't show it. Moving his left hand to the bedside table closer to him, he threw her a small pouch that made a clinking sound when he moved it.

She picked the money pouch on the air without much effort, not having to lift her hand much and put it in her leather bag amongst the potions. The witcher held the left side of his torso with his right hand but didn't make any moves to lay back down. He probably wouldn't follow her advice and would be on the road and out of the town in a day but that was none of her business.

The bard showed the intention of accompanying the mage outside of the inn or at least outside of the room but she stopped him quickly, "I know the way out."

He put his hands up like in surrender, opening his eyes like plates as if he was frightened and took a few steps back. She left the inn and walked towards her home alone, those yellow eyes on her mind being the only thing that kept her company.

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