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  [ She had only heard stories and read books about creatures like him

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[ She had only heard stories and read books about creatures like him. The so-called "witchers". ]

Darrene was startled awake from a knock at the door, she realized it wasn't even that loud, she was just a very light sleeper. A wave of distress washed over her, it had been years since she had any kind of visitor, and she preferred it like that. She didn't bother anyone and nobody bothered her.

She heard a few persistent knocks again, and as she rose from her bed she looked outside the window of her bedroom, the sun was barely rising from the east on the horizon.

She quickly picked out the first dress she saw in her closet and took off her nightgown to put it on. As she walked towards the front door, Darrene brushed her hands through her black locks to smooth them out.

The brunette opened the wooden door hastily, the man behind it in the middle of another knock stood with his hand in a fist in front of her. His blue eyes complimented well his also blue suit in a nice way and his mouth was slightly open.

"Uh, hi." the man at her door stuttered looking into her bright green eyes, "We are looking for the mage."

"She is not here. You can leave." due to her answer, he looked even more nervous than before and opened his eyes wildly while opening and closing his out like a fish underwater, the words not coming out. He turned to look at his left but Darrene just ignored him and closed the door on his face.

She sighed as she closed her eyes and dropped her hand from the doorknob. She walked away from the door and towards the kitchen. That man's face, she had seen it somewhere.

The brunette girl turned and looked through the window opposite her kitchen, near the front door. She could see the stables from there but instead, right in front of them, a man was tying his brown horse to a tree. The same white-haired man she had seen at the tavern. So the other one was the bard she saw sat down with him.

She whispered a few cursings to herself and damned her bad luck while turning around again so they wouldn't see her face if they were to look through the window. While her hands shook and a million thoughts were running through her mind at once, there was another knock on the door, this time with more force.

Darrene walked to it again, knowing that if she didn't open it, they would probably make their own way in anyways. So she did it.


As soon as they arrived at the cottage, Geralt and Jaskier noticed the fine trail of smoke coming out of the chimney. Geralt began tying Roach to the nearest tree and told Jaskier to go knock on the door while he didn't finish. After a few Jaskier finally accepted reluctantly and walked nervously towards the front door.

Roach snorted slightly, making her presence known, so Geralt rubbed her head, and as he turned his head, he noticed another horse come out of what he assumed were the stables of the house and put its head out of the top part of the half-opened door. The witcher looked at how the horses greeted each other and how they seemed to know one another already. He had seen a horse like the one in front of him not too long ago, tied to a pole outside the tavern, he thought it probably was the same one.

As Jaskier came back to his side with his head low and telling the white-haired man the bad news, the last one dismissed it and thought about giving it a try himself. Geralt walked to the door and gave it a few knocks.


"Look, I've already told you that sh-," she fell silent as she saw that the bard was not the one she was speaking to now. She was speaking to the white-haired man she had seen at the tavern that one night.

"We just want to talk to the mage." he practically unconsciously was making his way in due to his size, knowing already that the lady that had answered the door was the mage he was talking about,  "We'll leave as soon as I have what I need."

She opened the door a little bit more so they could enter her small house and, extending one arm with her palm upwards she signaled the chairs in her living room space, "If you're going to kill me, I've just signed my death warrant, so go ahead, sit down, get comfortable.", the statement made the bard immediately take the opportunity and sit down, unlike the bulkier man, who just stood by one of the chairs.

Geralt's yellow eyes fell on the bow and arrows propped up on the wall but said nothing about them and got straight to the point, "I came to buy some herbs."

As they had a short and cold conversation about the herbs he would need, she picked them up from the shelves and cupboards not giving him any advice, assuming that if he was asking so precisely for them, he would know how to use them. One by one, she put them on a small sack and handed them to him, and he gave her a few gold coins back. Their hands touched and she looked at his face noticing the little scars, following them upwards and stopping at his yellow eyes. From there she realized they were even brighter than she had thought. What she didn't know was that Geralt was looking into her green eyes thinking the same thing as her.

The witcher slightly cleared his throat and they both took a step backward, both of their hands falling limp by their sides. They both turned their heads towards the bard, his mouth slightly open in surprise and some kind of tiny smile playing on his lips. Geralt lightly bowed his head at her, silently thanking her; both he and the bard bid her farewell and walked out of her house.

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