This Changing Life - Chapter 15 - Of Love and Warnings

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Gisbourne was thoughtful on his ride home. He was usually a man of action rather than contemplation, but he realized that circumstances had changed in his life, and he wanted to see the outcome more with each passing day. His dealings with Marion today had made him uneasy. He was a bit nervous about discussing  everything with his new wife. It would certainly not be easy explaining that he had once had feelings for another woman, although he now questioned himself about those same feelings. He knew he had been angry, hurt and humiliated by Marion's refusal at the altar. He had also been relieved. Truth be told, he thought very little of her now, although she seemed more interested in his comings and goings than before.  She was practically a prisoner at the castle now, and had become his responsibility as lieutenant to Vaisey. His feelings for her now were more of guilt and responsibility, no more than that. His short time with Kes had been so much more rewarding. So much more passionate. So much easier. The difference between the two was like night and day. Kes burned like the sun, bringing warmth and light everywhere she went, while Marion was as cold as the moon in December, untouchable, wrapped up in her life to the exclusion of everything else. Or maybe she had just felt that way towards him. 

He gave a deep sigh. He was not sure of his standing in his relationship with his young wife. While the physical attraction between them was undeniably strong, they did not discuss any feelings between them, certainly never speaking of love. Would she understand? Would she care at all? If she planned on leaving the marriage at the end of a year, he was sure she would not care,  but he could not bring the two women together with Kes knowing nothing of the past. 

When Guy walked into the manor house that afternoon, Kes noticed his scowl at once. He greeted her with a curt, " May we speak somewhere quietly?" She smiled, and walked into the garden behind the manor, stopping on the little bridge they had kissed on so long ago. She waited patiently for him to begin. 

"Kes, Ian is dead. Vaisey had him tortured to death last night. I was not able to talk to him about what happened." Guy's voice was pained. Kes put her hand on his arm gently, not knowing what to say.  He took a deep breath and continued on, "I spoke with Ian's wife, Annie, today . I am concerned for her welfare. She has a small son to  care for. I was wondering if we might find a place for them here. I understand she is a fine seamstress, and it might be useful to you to have her here. I could use the boy for errands, and to train in the stables. 

She looked at him in surprise. Was this what he needed to speak privately to her about? No, there must be more. "Of course, Guy. I think that is a wonderful idea. I have been worried about that myself, since he was captive.  I knew Ian had a family.  Did you see her today?" Kes was sure this was exactly what he had done, and Guy confirmed it. "Yes," he sighed, "I took his things to her, and some money to live on. The boy is about 10 and looks like his father. I was hoping you would agree to it."  He went quiet, looking at the stream below. She smiled at him. "You know you didn't have to ask. I am sorry that he is gone. I know he was your friend."  She knew how guilty he felt over this.

Kes was sure there was more to come, but Guy remained staring into the stream in silence. After some time, Kes offered a bit of distraction to lighten his mood. "Do you remember the last day we spent here?" she asked, flashing her green eyes at him. Guy smiled. "Of course. You caught me by surprise and kissed me." Kes was thrilled. He remembered! "And if I recall Sir, I did it well enough that you kissed me back," she teased. Guy looked down at her. Those green eyes were breathtaking! He smiled as he moved an errant curl from her cheek. "Yes, I remember that, too. I had many a dream of it afterwards, even with you so far away." She stood, watching his face, hoping he would kiss her again. Instead, he cleared his throat and began his next conversation. 

"Kes, Lady Marion will come to the manor for a visit tomorrow." His statement caught her by surprise, and he noticed the little crease above her nose that sometimes made an appearance when she was perplexed. He smiled watching it.

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