Chapter 30🥀Shallow

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When you didn't find a song to fit the chapter :(


I let out a heavy sigh as I seat on my bed staring at my laptop.

Staring at Wes' finished book to be exact.

I had finished the book a week ago but every time Wes asks about it I lie that it's not yet done.

Why ?

Because I don't want to leave.

I know I'm being absurd right now. Loving someone who'll never love me back...

... but we don't usually choose who we love... the heart just wants what it wants.

"Huh..." I let out another heavy sigh.

When did my life get so complicated ?

I take out my flash disk from my night stand and transfer the book there. I then place it inside the bottom drawer of my vanity table.

I decide to head downstairs because I basically have nothing to do.

As I enter the living room the first face that comes to sight is Meghan's. I scan the room for Wes but the only occupant is her.

She's seated on the couch trimming her well manicured nails. I roll my eyes and turn to leave.

"Oh no you don't Cindy..." I hear her spit out.

Uuugggghhhhh !

I let out sigh before I turn to face her. She has a sly smile plastered on her plastic face.

"For the hundreth time... It's Chicago!"

"...and I still don't care."

I don't even know why I bother.

"I've been meaning to have a little girl on girl chit chat with you." I stand there and watch her talk.

"I'm not in the mood right now Meghan." I turn to leave but her words stop me.

"Uuuh... you're running to your boyfriend for help... or might I say... your boss !"

My face turns white. I open my mouth to talk but nothing comes out.

"You see Ciara... I'm not stupid. I know you being Dean's girlfriend was a complete lie... a big sham... cause you're simply not his type. I know his type cause I'm his type.


You are just a girl from one of his many fantasies... a dream.

Girls like you don't belong to his world. He prefers my tuff love to your light touch."

She walks towards me smiling proudly. I hold my tears because at this point they'll only make me seem weak.

"As I said earlier... I'm not in the mood of doing this with you." I turn to leave but she holds my arm in a firm grip.

"I'm here to make a deal with you... you promise to stay away from Dean and I'll not expose your little charade to anyone..."

I yank my arm from her and look directly in her face.

"I'll stay away from him... but it's not a promise." I turn and start walking away from her.

"Oh and Channel..." I stop on my tracks as soon as I hear Meghan call.

I turn my head to look. " I saw the damn contract between you and Dean. So I know what the hell I'm talking about !" I storm to my room without giving her one final look.

I should tell Wes about this. He should know that Meghan knows.

I get lost in my own thoughts that I don't see the person in front of me and we bump into each other. I look up only to see Eric's nanny drenched in water. She's holding a tray with food I assume is meant for Erick.

"I'm really sorry." I tell her as she hands me the tray. I look up at her and she has her teeth clenched.

"I'm going to change! Make sure that food gets to Ms.Pier's son or I'll loose my job!" She turns and leaves me there staring at the tray.

"I said I'm sorry." I tell no one in particular.
As I approach Erick's room I hear giggles. The door is ajar so I peep inside. Wes is seated on Erick's bed tickling him.

I stand at the door and watch them.

"Jealous ?"

I turn only to find Serenity's lean figure standing behind me. She moves and comes beside me.

"A little." I whisper.

She says nothing after that and we quietly stare at the two for much longer than necessary.

Serenity clears her throat, breaking the silence that had build between us. She then turns to face me.

"They are bonding... quite like... hmm... two brothers..."


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