Chapter 3🥀 Encounter

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I wake up the next day with a slight headache. My curtains are already drawn and the bright harsh light burns my eyes.


...and one will ask why I hate mornings.

I head to the bathroom for a quick shower. I debate on whether to wash my hair or not.

I decide to wash it.

Once I am done I head to the walk in closet where I find my clothes unpacked and neatly arranged in the wardrobes.
I put on my favourite yellow sundress with sandals and head down stairs.

I put on my favourite yellow sundress with sandals and head down stairs

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The smell of coffee hits me when I reach the bottom of the staircase.

Yuck !

I hate coffee.

I follow the smell and find myself in the kitchen. Wes is seated in one of the high chairs. He is already dressed in a black suit.

I notice him scanning me as I enter the kitchen from my still wet hair to my yellow dress to my sandals.

Once he's done he gets back to his breakfast consisting of coffee, toast and bacon.

Yuck !

I hate bacon.

"Morning," I say to Wes while I sit across from him.

He snobs me and proceeds on eating. I roll my eyes and pretend that I didn't see that.

What's his problem ?

Ellen who is at the stove turns to me and puts a plate of bacon in front of me.

"Uh... I don't eat bacon... I'm a vegetarian." I tell her politely.

Both her and Wes turn to face me as if I was speaking in Greek.

"Sorry honey I didn't know." She apologizes as she picks up the plate from the counter and starts mixing pancake batter for me.

I ignore the cup of coffee put out for me and take an apple from the fruit basket on the counter.

When Wes stares at me questioningly, I simply tell him ; "I'm not a fun of coffee."

Ellen places the plate of pancakes in front of me and leaves the kitchen. I can feel Wes' gaze on my face. I know he's staring at me but I ignore.

Ten minutes later I hear him clear his throat. I look up and he's staring.

"You'll be writing my autobiography. Something different from all the articles written about me.

There will be no days off.bYour contract expires when your done with my book.

No one is to know about this agreement not even your family. That's why you are staying here. You signed the contract... if you break it there will be consequences. No guests are allowed. I'm paying you more than enough so get the job done as fast as possible." With those words he stands up and leave.

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