Chapter 47🥀Emergency

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🎶Listen to All we'd ever need by Lady Antebellum🎵


I'm seated on the couch reading the classic 1847 novel, Wuthering heights.

As I'm busy enjoying the wild and passionate demonic love of Catherine and Heathcliff, I hear a knock at the door.
I go open the door without checking the peep hole knowing very well it's Logan.

I push the door open while rubbing the sands in my eyes and the last person I expected to see is standing right there staring at me.

My eyes go wide the moment our gazes meet.

I'm about to ask him 'how did you find me' when I'm silenced by him raising my fourth pregnancy test at my eye level.

All color drains from my face.

Wes is about to say something but is interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I check the caller ID and it's Chrissy calling. I hesitate to receive the call but eventually I do .

"Is everything okay ?" I ask but the moment I hear her voice I know something's wrong.

"It's dad. He's at the hospital. He needs surgery asap."

I end the call and Wes looks at me uncomprehendingly. I feel warm streaks of tears fall down my cheeks.

"Is everything okay ?" He asks.

"The hospital I need you to drive me to the hospital." I say between sobs.


When we enter the hospital I immediately feel sick.

I see my mom, Chrissy and Derek waiting outside the intensive care unit. Chrissy runs to me crying while my mother and Derek act like I'm not there.

"He needs surgery right now." Chrissy says between sobs. "But we don't have the money."

"I'll pay." Wes says and I feel a wave of nausea sweep over me.


5:00 pm

It has been exactly six hours since my dad was taken to surgery.

I'm hungry and exhausted.

"Here you go Miss."

The waiter says while placing a plate of lasagna and  ice tea in front of me. Wes and I are seated in a restaurant just right outside the hospital.

"When were you going to tell me ?" I look up to see Wes staring at me.

He places the pregnancy test on the table and slides it to me.

"Wes that's disgusting ! You do know I peed on that thing !" I say whispering the last part.

He chuckles and I smile.

"I missed that smile." I hear him mutter.

I look away and start eating.

"I'm sorry Chicago..." He says out of nowhere. 

"I didn't mean to be selfish... I just didn't want you to leave.
I should have never let you leave that day... I wished I chased you... but I didn't... "

I don't say anything...

... instead I start crying and he gets up from his chair, come to where I'm seated and folds me into a tight hug.

"I'm pregnant." I sob and he tightens the hug.

"It's going to be okay. We've got this." Wes lightly whispers in my ear.

"But... but it was only one time... and I'm on the pill." I cry a little bit louder, earning the attention of those close to me.

"It'll na okay. Like I said, we've got this." Wes shushes me but I keep crying.

...fuck pregnancy hormones...


When we get back to the hospital Chrissy informs me my dad is out of surgery but only one person is allowed to see him and that person is my mom.


"There's no hospital bill for the patient Karson Brook." The clark at the records desk says to me.

"What do you mean there's no bill ?"

"They were all paid by... Dean Hughes two months ago."

I turn to face Wes whose standing right behind me and shoot him a warning stare.

"Stop paying my bills for me." I say through clenched teeth and turn to leave.

I go and sit outside my dad's hospital room. Wes comes and sits beside me.

"Go home Wes." I tell him without a single glance at his direction.

"I'm waiting for you because you don't have your car... remember ? I have to drive you back to the penthouse."

"Call Edward and tell him to bring my car." I suggest.

"I left my phone at the mansion."


I check the time on my phone.

8:00 pm

Wes had gone to bring me food and hour ago and he still isn't back.

Just then my phone buzzes bringing me back to reality. I check it and it's a text from Wes telling me to head back to the penthouse there's an emergency.

What emergency...? and I thought he left his phone at the mansion...

I inform Chrissy I'm heading out for a while.

I drive Wes' audi because he left it at the hospital's underground parking just in case.


When I enter the penthouse it's dark and quite.

"Wes !" I call out but there's no answer.

I hear footsteps behind me. I quickly turn but there's no one there.

"This isn't funny Wes !" I shout.

I turn to leave but I hear the footsteps behind me again.

"Alexa, turn on the lights." I instruct the computerized voice as I turn.

The lights go on and I see my intruder face to face. But the first thing I notice is the tattoo of a mocking bird on her right thigh that is clearly visible from her ripped black jeans.

"It's you. It has been you this whole time." I say but I'm silenced when she pulls out a pistol.

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