Chapter 55🥀Ace♠ & Archer🏹

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For all those who follow me on Instagram @ booksbynayada y'all can go check His Writer's book trailer.

I just uploaded it.


🎶Listen to Adore You by Harry Styles🎵

               *WES POV*

"I think my water just broke."

Who knew that six words could send someone into a daze.

I stare at Chicago as if she's grown a third eye. Dr Sheila Giovanni, her OB-GYN said that she still has a week before going into labour... but I guess the twins opt to come early.

The good thing is Dr Giovanni's hospital is fourty five minutes away.

I pick up my phone from the nightstand and call Chad. He's on speed dial, together with Will, Jean and Alex.

Chad picks up on the second ring and I instruct him to get the Range ready.

My range rover is the only car we've managed to baby poof because It's large enough to fit two baby car seats.

I get out of  bed but Chicago holds my hands and squeezes it tighty. She screams in pain and I guess that's her first contraction.

"It'll be okay." I whisper in her hear but she won't take it. I pick up my phone again and text Jean and Chicago's dad about what's going on.

"Tamika !" I call out once I'm done and seconds later she's in mine and Chicago's room.

She scans the situation and runs to the walk in closet. She comes out with the already packed baby bag and runs to the range.

I let go of Chicago and put on my sweats and hoodie. I scan her attire and she's in my grey sweats and an oversize t-shirt.
She never was one for sexy sleeping night dresses and right now I'm glad for that.

Chicago screams again on her second contraction. I check the time and it's twelve minutes from the first.

"They're twelve minutes apart love." I tell her and she nods an okay.

I should thank Dr Giovanni for the weekly three hour baby classes she made me attend for the last two months because right now, they're turning out to be helpful.

I carry Chicago bridal style down to the front door where Will has the car parked. I gently place her in the middle row and sit next to her.

Tamika is seated in the passenger side while Chad follows us in my yellow Porsche.

"Sir, I've already called Dr Giovanni... she's waiting for us." Chad tells me via my ear piece.


When we reach the hospital three nurses are already waiting for us. They place Chicago on a wheel chair and wheel her inside.

Once inside she's placed on a moving bed and wheeled to the delivery room where Dr Giovanni is waiting for her.

I try following her but another nurse, a male one this time takes me to another room and hands me blue scrubs that I change into. He then hands me a white surgical mask and I'm shown where to sanitize.


When we enter the delivery room Chicago's contractions are seven minutes apart. She's lying on the delivery bed and has been changed into a delivery gown.

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