Chapter Ten

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 I shot up in bed without warning, causing several of the people at my bedside to yell in alarm.

"Merlin's great pink underwear, Phoebe!" Tracey swore from my right. "Must you scare us like this?" I smiled sheepishly.

"What am I doing here?" I asked, staring at the room around me. "The Hospital Wing? I'm not ill."

"Oh really?" came a voice that I did not expect to hear, and turned to stare at Malfoy. "You were awfully freaky during dinner for a totally normal person!" My eyebrows pinch together in confusion, and then I remember. I pull my knees up into my chest and begin to weep.

"Come on Metis!" Malfoy added a tad frantically. "I wasn't trying to make you cry that time!" I ignored him, burying my face in my arms.

"It's not you," I said touchily, wiping my cheeks after a minute. "It's what I saw!" I shuddered. "I just remembered. It was horrible."

"What you saw?" Tracey asked. "You had a vision, too? I thought you just passed out from the prophecy!" I stared at her blankly.

"Prophecy?!" I squeaked. "What are you talking about?"

"During dinner. You were fine, and then you just... stared at Malfoy for a long time. But not like a normal stare... I don't know how to explain it. Draco? Blaise?"

"Your eyes went all funny," Blaise added. "They were like... white and... filmy?" Malfoy nodded. "I've never heard of a Seer's eyes doing that..."

"Well, anyway, then you opened your mouth and said something, but it wasn't your voice, you were all hoarse and raspy and quiet," Tracey continued.

"What did I say?" I asked with a cringe, almost fearing the answer if it were to be as disturbing as what I saw while giving it.

"You said," Malfoy began in a serious manner that was quite unlike him,

"Chains of the Father

A promise undone

The war wages on

But the battle is won."

My nose wrinkled up as I thought about what that could possibly have to do with everyone I grew up with dying in a massive fire.

"I don't understand... that doesn't make sense... I have to..." I babbled, then took a deep breath to steady myself. "That must have to do with what I saw, but I don't see how."

"What did you see?" somebody asked, but my head was spinning.

"I-I don't understand," I said again. "Let me think for a moment." They let me sit in silence and ponder for a few minutes, but I could tell they were all dying of curiosity, so I sighed once I'd wrapped my head around it.

"I'll tell you, but I really think this whole wacky business should stay between us, and whoever else heard me speak it at dinner, okay?" I trusted Blaise and Tracey, but I glared at Malfoy. "Okay?" I said again, and he nodded.

"Well, everything was normal, and then everything kind of faded out. Instead, I saw the orphanage where I grew up: St. Mary's Home for Children. It-it was," I felt tears well up in my eyes and Tracey placed a hand on my shoulder. "It was burning down to the ground, but I could hear people inside. All those children, all the nuns... I don't know how many were inside. Sister Carrie, she was screaming, and I was just watching," I took another shaky breath. "Then a man walked out. He must have been one of us—magic, I mean, because he was unscathed by the fire. Seriously, not even singed. I didn't recognize him, though."

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