Chapter Thirteen

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 I was glad I had one class next to Malfoy, for the first time ever. I pulled out a spare sheet of paper and began to scribble furiously.

Malfoy, I have some brainstorms about that prophecy I wanted to run past you, mostly because I don't know your dad from Adam and need more information. I slid the paper towards him reluctantly, and he looked down at it with a cold sneer before recognition flitted across his face.

Oh, so you need my help? He wrote cockily.

I really don't have to tell you anything, so can you at least try to swallow your overwhelming urges to be a complete tosser and offend everyone you talk to for a few moments?

I watched as he rolled his eyes.

Shut up, Metis. What are your ideas?

I've been going over the lines. I think "Chains" refers to some kind of binding pact your dad made, because it can't be literal as he's not imprisoned. So maybe the Chains and the Promise are actually the same thing, or very related... I guess what I need to know is, was your father a Death Eater?

I can't believe you chose to start this conversation through note-passing, Malfoy scribbled angrily.

Yeah, sorry. I was worried you'd hurt me again if I tried to bring up your dad without it being in a public place, if we're being totally honest here, I confided, and Malfoy winced.

I'm not talking to you about this right now. Later.

No offense, but that kind of answers my question. However, I concede to your terms, if you solemnly swear not to get violent. I will hex you if you lie.

I won't get violent! I already apologized for that, can you just stop bringing it up? His face was contorted in frustration now.

I know you apologized, and I'm not mad. But I bet Madam Pomfrey would talk to you about your anger issues if you stopped by... I enjoyed his reaction as he read this one, his face flushing deep purple.

I like that colour, Malfoy, I wrote with a sly smile on my face, you should turn it more often :). He grabbed the paper with his wand, ruffled it into a paper ball, and shoved it down the back of my robes before I could protest.

"Geez, Malfoy. Is this your way of trying to get in my pants?" I teased with a wink, and the purple of his face mixed with pink.

"Why are you so infuriating all the time!" he whisper-yelled. I felt burning gazes on the back of my head, probably just everyone in the class who had noticed we, who never interacted willingly, were doing so publicly.

"I was kidding! We're twelve, I just wanted to see how many different colors I could turn your face. I'm working on a nice tie-dye print. What do I have to say to make you blue?"

He scowled at me. In any other class we'd be in trouble, but Tracey and Hermione, who both sat in the front to get a better look at Lockhart's famous smile, were distracting him with alternating and irrelevant questions, so he hadn't noticed us at all. Of course, he wouldn't, because there was nothing that could distract Lockhart from his favorite subject: himself.

"If you're going to be this annoying for the rest of class, you owe me an answer about what you saw last week," he said in a hushed whisper.

"I told you it wasn't about your dad!" I argued, but his expression was firm.

"I want to know."

"If I tell you, will you give me a straight answer about the Death Eater thing?" He frowned, but nodded. "Okay, the night before Mrs. Norris's petrification I had dreams about a bunch of weird stuff. Mrs. Norris, for one, as well as water, a little black diary, and an absolutely massive snake. I think the snake is what hurt her." His face twisted up in contemplation.

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