Chapter One: A New Day

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Izuku stared at the door, his feet stayed rooted to the floor. He never felt so conflicted before. This was the first time in his entire pro career that he actually dreaded going back to work. It wasn't because he didn't want to, he absolutely loved his job. This was a more personal matter. He didn't want to leave you.

It had been two weeks since the incident. You'd tried your best to move forward, but it seemed the world still wanted to know what happened. The journalists were relentless, apparently not satisfied with the police reports and press conference Izuku was forced to hold due to increased public demand. Being the number one hero meant that everything in Izuku's life was open to scrutiny and dissection.

Even now, you were sure there was some journalist camped out in front of the house, well Inko's house, waiting for someone to come out to harass. They had never been quite this enthusiastic at any other point in your relationship with Izuku, not even for your wedding (although he wasn't the number one hero then). He usually tried to keep his personal life under lock and key so you usually never had to deal with so much attention, aside from a few unfortunate moments. This, on the other hand, changed everything.

You felt guilty enough as it was that he had to come to your rescue, but then the media started dragging him through the mud. The story of your kidnapping had spread like wildfire and people were coming out of the woodwork to berate him. It wouldn't surprise you if this would knock him out of the number one spot on the hero charts. That was a lot of guilt to shoulder and it only added to your stress and own self frustrations.

Today was the day Izuku was going back to work, after two weeks he'd taken off to help you recover and to ease his own nerves. Well, he sort of took them off. He took patrols off at least, but you saw him up at all hours of the night making calls, scribbling notes like a madman, and working on case files. He couldn't, or wouldn't just stop being a hero, it just wasn't in his genes.

But even taking those two weeks seemed to rock the hero world and all sorts of criticism had come his way. It was, by no means, a small matter when it came to Deku. He was the number one hero after all, he had a reputation and status to upkeep. Of course, Izuku had never been the conventional hero, so he ignored the critics, even went against some advice the others heroes had given him. All so he could stay with you and make sure something like that could never happen again.

"You know, I can stay another day...if you want." Izuku turned from the door. "Shoto can handle things for one more day."

Shoto. That was another issue that you'd put on the backburner. The last time you two spoke was in the hospital two whole weeks ago and it didn't exactly end well. He still blamed himself for what happened. There was no permanent damage from his attack and you'd forgiven him. It wasn't his fault, but he clearly saw things a different way.

Whatever was going through his head, you had no idea how to read it. So it was Momo who'd been given the task of breaking through that thick skull of his. She was his fiancée so if anyone could do it, it was her.

"No Izu, I am fine. I promise." You grabbed his shoulders and turned him back to the door. "I've got Inko here to keep me company and the girls are coming over later."

Izuku grabbed your hand, pulling you in front of him. "Alright, but please keep your phone charged and don't hesitate to call me if you need anything."

"Okay, mom." You rolled your eyes.

He sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to demean, it's just-"

You pulled him for a quick kiss. "I know and I appreciate that, I really do. But if you're distracted thinking about me all day, is that really fair to the rest of the world?"

"But I already think about you all day." He pouted, pulling your hands up to his lips. "So what's a little more?"

You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning against him. "You think you're sooo cute, huh?"

He chuckled and engulfed you in his arms, leaning his forehead on yours. "I don't know what you're talking about."

You stared into his emerald eyes for a while, they were such an intense green that sometimes you found yourself falling into them. You opened your mouth to say something, but whatever it was died on your lips as a gushy awe interrupted you.

"You're too cute!" Inko exclaimed, her head poking out of the kitchen.

Izuku started, whipping his head around to see his mom leaning against the wall, her hands on her cheeks and hearts in her eyes.

"Morning mom." His face was dusted red as he turned back to you.

Inko jumped off the wall, suddenly aware she just interrupted something. "Oh, sorry, sorry! I'll just give you two a moment then." She retreated back into the kitchen.

Izuku blew out a laugh and leaned his forehead back on yours. He squeezed you into a tight hug.

"I'm serious." He whispered. "I'll have my phone on me all day. It doesn't matter the reason, just call."

You pecked his nose. "I'm serious too, I'll be fine."

He found your gaze and brought out his ultimate move; the puppy dog eyes. You'd been married to this man for almost three years, worked intense shifts in the E.R., and very recently faced down with an obsessive villain, yet you'd never found an effective defense against his puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, I promise to call." You raised a three fingered salute. "Scouts honor."

He finally smiled again and leaned in for a proper kiss. You melted into him and felt his lips curve into a smile. You broke with a slight giggle and placed your hands on his cheeks, moving back to look at him one more time.

"I love you," You said.

He stole another kiss. "I love you too."

He took a moment to compose himself before glancing back into the kitchen where Inko was peeking out from behind the wall.

"Bye, mom."

She rushed out from her hiding place and gave Izuku her signature mama bear hug, pulling him down to her level. "You remember to stay safe out there young man."

He patted her back. "Aren't I always?"

She didn't find that as funny as he did. She crossed her arms and glared until he relented, promising to stay safe.

Izuku kissed your cheek once more before grabbing his bag and headed out the door. It was still pretty dark outside, but he wanted to leave early enough to sneak past any sly journalists trying to get an exclusive.

He took a deep breath. Today was going to be a busy day.

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