Chapter Three: A Message

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You tilted your head back and closed your eyes, moving the knit cap on your head up so the sun could properly reach your face. The air seemed to be getting colder and colder everyday, winter was just around the corner. The forecast called for snow by the end of the week. You usually hated when it snowed because snow caused accidents and accidents lead to your E.R. This time though, you'd been put on a month long leave, so you might actually be able to enjoy the snow this year.

You really wanted to spend some time in Lumbi Park, that place had everything you could think of for winter activities. Your favorite was ice skating. One of your first dates had been to that ice rink. He wanted to impress you, but spent most of the time on his butt. You had next to no experience on the ice either, so when you weren't laughing at his falls, you were on your butt too. It was a great time. But it was a pretty far drive and you knew Izuku would try to give some excuse about security and blah blah blah. Sometimes, he could be a real killjoy. So you had to settle for the nearest park, which had next to nothing to do.

The park bench you'd chosen was frigid underneath you, but you hunkered down and stuffed your hands into your pocket. Not many people come to the park when it gets cold, something you were thankful for at the moment. There were still the occasional bursts of laughter from children or dogs barking as they passed, but mostly it was calm and serene. After being stuck inside for two weeks getting mothered by, not one, but two Midoriyas', you savored every moment you could outdoors.

Beside you sat Momo, who you had somehow convinced to come to the park. She was bundled up in her civilian clothes, disguised as best she could with her Chanel coat and Prada sunglasses. You didn't want anyone recognizing any of you and ruining your nice outing.

"See," you leaned back on the bench, basking in the sun. "Isn't this nice?"

Momo was sitting rigid, casting sidelong glances at every person who passed. You knew Izuku had said something to her, it's why she suddenly had so much free time on her hands. But it felt strange thinking of Momo as some sort of personal bodyguard. It also irritated you that Izuku couldn't trust you alone. You knew his intentions were good, but that didn't make the pathetic sting go away.

You sat up and leaned closed. "Yeah, I think that child with the balloon looks pretty suspicious too."

Momo blinked and gave you an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm being rude, aren't I?"

"No," you shrugged. "You're being protective. Something a lot of people seem to be doing in droves these days." You mumbled.

Momo sighed and leaned back. "I'm sorry. I wanted this to be fun for us."

"I'm having fun." You smiled. "I'm outside, with my friends, on a sunny day. What more could I ask for?"

She mirrored your smile and looked at the puffy clouds floating by. "It's nice to see you smile again."

You widened your grin. "Well, if I knew that's what you wanted, I would've saved that for your wedding present."

You both laughed. Things were starting to feel normal again, something you were craving to have.

"Speaking of weddings," you cocked your head. "How's the planning going?"

"It's going." Momo crossed her arms, watching a particularly lazy cloud drift by. "I think my parents have lost their minds. They each have a vision, a different vision, of what they want it to be. I thought I was supposed to be the one to turn into bridezilla."

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