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The morning was quiet, Ivan woke up startled as he glanced at the light leaking through the curtains, so much light meant that he had missed his alarm, that he'd be late.

He hurried out of the bed, cursing slightly as he stood up too fast, his head dizzy while he looked around the room, trying to find his phone.

Putting aside that thought, he opened the wardrobe, taking out something to wear, tosing it to the bed and walking hastily to the bathroom.

When he closed the door, his brain seemed to register two important facts. Firstly, the room didn't look like his room and secondly, this wasn't his bathroom.

Ivan sighed, the sudden bolt of energy that had him on his feet was vanishing from his body as he reminded himself that he wasn't in his apartment, he was in Katya's house and he didn't have to work today.

The annoyance he felt, washed out after he took a shower and dressed. Boris stretched and purred while Ivan sat on the bed. Why didn't he attempt to sleep again? He hoped that his sister wouldn't notice his stupid mistake.

He wandered for a bit in the corridor, the fluffy cat following him around. Ivan wondered what he should do next. Was Katya even awake?

He decided to go downstairs and make breakfast for them. His eyes scanned the surroundings slowly, the creamy color of the curtains, the photograph hanging on the wall, and finally, his phone laying on the table. The artifact seemed to mock him, marking the hour, seven o'clock.

The working schedule had shaped his life for so long that even on vacation, he'd be up checking the clock to see if he could make it to the office on time.

He glanced at the photograph from earlier, it was a picture of Natalya, showing off her school diploma, the silver medal hanging from her neck had reflected the light, making the photograph look a bit blurry. Ivan chuckled, that picture was surely Katya's doing, she was clueless when taking photos, at least with this one, he could tell it was Natalya.

A slight prickle of guilt stabbed him, he had missed Natalya's graduation. He didn't know when it had been held, obviously last year, but he didn't know the exact date. Natalya's accusations gained sense, he had missed a lot of things lately.

Brushing off the discomfort that this realization gave him, he went into the kitchen, served some food to Boris and made some coffee for himself.

Glancing at his phone, he noticed a string of messages from Alfred.

The last one was a meme that read "Were you going to tell me you are visiting the good ol' town or was I supposed to find out myself by calling Arthur?"

Ivan couldn't help but chuckle, he typed out quickly. "Sorry, I forgot"

To his surprise, Alfred called him back, he picked up only to hear Alfred's accusative tone. "I would have returned with you!"

Ivan hummed. "You were with Mathew."

A gasp and Alfred's voice changed, muttering. "I left my nuggets in your fridge"

Ivan took a sip from the coffee, replying softly. "I ate them"

Alfred's laughter was heard. "Treason! but it's fine I'm a traitor too, I gave your number to Arthur" Alfred added quickly.

Ivan paused, waiting for him to continue. when it didn't happen, he set aside the cup of coffee, whining."Why?"

The small chuckle on the other side of the phone told him that it wasn't a mistake, "and Lien."

"Again, why?"

Ivan could distinguish Mathew's voice, it sounded distant. "I told you to ask him-"

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