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The thing is, Kyra was not blind.

It was obvious to her why Finnick was very popular amongst the crowd. He was very handsome, very fit and with a natural charm that made it hard to resist.

For better or for worse, Kyra was also painfully aware that Finnick meant trouble. He had no interest in his mind but his own, he believed everyone else was below him and also happened to be very skilled at killing someone.

That enough should be a reason to avoid him at all costs. Sadly, Kyra had no self preservation so she spent most of her night twirling around in her bed thinking about stupid Finnick and his stupid smile.

He was a threat, she said it herself.

She didn't need a reminder of the place she was at; and despite everyone wrongly thinking that the games were a place where love was born, thanks to Katniss and Peeta, it was no place to fantasize about a pretty boy, not when she didn't saw herself alive in five days.

The sheets of her bed served as a shield, covering her blushing face. Kyra never felt this way before—she was confused, to say the least. She wanted to punch the smirk out of his cynical face but she also wanted to see him very desperately.

At nine, she was snapped back to reality when someone came to knock on her door. Caoba babbled on the other side for about a minute, ending with a very passive aggressive way of asking her to get up.

They had breakfast. Caoba was practically shoving the forks in their mouths since she "wanted them to be strong and full of energy". The whole conversation was about motivational stuff and Kyra wasn't sure if she made some research or if she was just making everything up as she spoke, some words she used suggested the latter.

Now, they were being hurried by the pink haired lady through the hallways of the tribute center, all about good impressions and arriving on time.

"Make sure you stretch before anything. Nikolai, make sure she stretches." Caoba ordered.

"Yes, Caoba I'll make sure she stretches."

"And be careful with the other tributes. Not everyone will receive you with flowers."

Caoba was looking over at her playfully, with a knowing smile and slightly raising her eyebrows. Kyra opened her eyes widely and focused her stare on the path ahead. She could feel the heat in her cheeks and see the smirk on Caoba's face from the corner of her eye.

"Yes, we'll be very careful."

Niko was completely oblivious to what Caoba was implying and she was grateful that he chose to dismiss that comment.

"Nikolai, you take good care of Kyra."

"I will," he stressed, "but you shouldn't doubt that Kyra is capable of protecting herself in case it's needed."

"I don't, but it's only chivalrous of you to do so."

Kyra rolled her eyes.

"I saw that," Caoba accused. "Now go in there and make me proud."

Mentors, escorts and stylists weren't allowed to go any further so she stopped and let them continue to walk on their own. Kyra was surprised she wasn't going to make sure they entered the center safely.

"Do you want me to stay with you or would you feel better if you had your space?"

Kyra hesitated.

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