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Music was blasting throughout the old Victorian house, the canvas' shaking and glasses ringing on the countertops. I stood in the kitchen, overwhelmed, the strong smell of alcohol and sweat filling the entire lower floor of the house.

I looked over to Scott, seeing him for once relaxed and enjoying himself, and next to him, his cheeky partner in crime, Hugo. Hugo was currently bent over laughing as Scott sang along to another alternative rock song, making me smile softly.

It wasn't that I didn't enjoy parties that I remained alone with my red cup in the kitchen, but more because I hardly knew a soul in the over-populated property, and didn't want to trail behind my brother the entire night, like a lost duckling.

I took a large gulp from my cup, wincing slightly at the strong taste of liquor. As I lowered the cup back down, Hugo stood in front of me, and drink slipped from my lips as I tried to compose myself for my brother's very attractive best friend.

"I think the floor's gotten a fair amount of alcohol tonight." Hugo smirked, watching me closely as I used the back of my hand to wipe my mouth. "You okay Clara?"

"Yeah, just trying not to be yours and Scott's lost puppy trailing behind." I joked, looking him in the eyes. God he was gorgeous. Scott had mentioned to me he also had the reputation to go with it, often bringing a different girl back to the house each weekend. I always wondered if that was the reasoning behind why I hadn't met Hugo until the first time Scott took me out after my 18th, Scott was trying to protect me from his friends 'loving' ways.

Hugo's eyebrows furrowed for a second, before he held out his hand. "Come, I want to show you something."

I looked to Scott now flirting with one of the more muscular men at the party, unsure if he'd be okay with it. "He's fine, and I'm not going to treat you like I would the other girls here Clara. I don't have a death wish for starters." He assured, making me laugh.

I grabbed his hand, making him smile. Hugo spun me around, before pulling me towards the stairs. As we got to the first floor hallway, Hugo opened the door to his room and peeked his head in.

"OI! Get out of my fucking room! I've got to sleep in here you filthy bastards!" Hugo shouting, getting harsh language thrown back at him as he left the door open and checked the other three bedrooms. He led me to the final door, one I had always assumed was the airing cupboard, but as he opened it, it had another set of stairs leading upwards.

Hugo held the door open, and I stepped onto the stairs, before Hugo flicked the light switch and closed the door behind him. "If everyone knew about what I'm about to show, there would be some dickhead who'd ruin it." He explained as he squeezed past me and started walking up the stairs. It wasn't until he had passed me that I realised I had been holding my breath as our chests brushed each other. He grabbed my hand once again, and led me to a weird window at the top, one larger than the usual ones placed throughout the rooms.

Hugo pulled out his keys, and got a tiny one on his keyring and placed it in the handle, before pushing the window open. He gestured for me to go through the window, and as I reached the top of the stairs I realised where I was.

I was on their roof. They had a roof terrace. There was decking and an outdoor picnic blanket, some potted plants and lights wrapped around the railings. Beyond the railings was the main road, and just past that the park.

I heard the usual crack of Hugo opening a can of cider, breaking my trance. I looked at him, astounded. Hugo flopped onto the blanket, using his elbows to prop him up as he looked over to me, and pointed to the plastic bucket filled with ice and canned alcoholic drinks. I went over to the bucket, and grabbed a Smirnoff Ice.

"I would've left it how it was when we moved in three years ago, but your brother bought the plants, lights and blanket. It's probably how the landlord let us keep it for three years instead of the usual one year." He smirked, as I also flopped onto the blanket and opened my can. "You looked like you needed space and fresh air earlier." he added with a soft smile.

"Thank you." I softly spoke, looking towards him and his crystal blue eyes. We held eye contact for what felt like an eternity, when a car beeping below broke our contact, both of us looking in other directions, although I soon felt Hugo stealing glances again. After a few more minutes he sat straight up, making me jump. "Jesus Hugo, you alright?"

"Honestly Clara, no. Four months since I first met you, and instantly I wanted to know you better. You're unbelievably attractive, and I've been trying to stop being attracted to you. I mean you're my best friend's sister, but every time I bed another girl and think I'm making progress, you walk in with your big grin and nine times out of ten a freezer pizza when your Mum is a cow and you crash on the sofa, and I'm back at square one."

I sat in shock as the calm and collected guy with the cocky attitude poured out his heart to me. For once, I was calm and collected, holding eye contact with him as I finished my drink.

"Then stop."


"Stop trying." I responded, before slowly leaning in, and softly placing my lips on his. I could taste the cider on his lips as he relaxed his body, and pulled me in closer to him.

We stayed up on the terrace until the sun rose the following morning, stealing kisses from each other, listening to the others heartbeats as we rested our heads on each other.

It was perfect.

It was bliss. 

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