Chapter 25

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Alex looked horrible. She felt like she was pathetic for getting kidnapped. She was working her way out of the chains. The Joker walked in with a big smile on his face, he had a camera with him again. He filmed the first time he beat her.

"Well, well, well, this live stream is going to have some action."

"Fuck you," she spat in his face. He slaped her. She didn't move, Alex hated giving people worse than her the satisfaction. He put the camera on a tripod and brought out his knifes and guns to use. But he never got to using them.  The Batfamily crashed in threw the windows. During the fight she got finished getting out of the chains and crawled to the door. She had her back on the fight and was picking the lock. The Joker turned her around and put his gun to her head. He laughed and said,

"Look who I have! The infamous Bloody Red! I know you want her Batsy but I have to kill her." The Joker said in a sing-song way.

"I suggest you remove that gun from my head before I rip your head off. I am not in the mood right now." Alex growled.

"I don't see how you can do that. I'm the one holding the gun to your head."

"Yeah so? I'm an angry woman who is on her period, I'm also a trained assassin. So your chances of get out of here alive are slim."

"There is a lot of truth to that." Red Hood said.

"Yeah, don't mess with a girl on her period." Spoiler agreed. Most of the others nodded.

"Joker, this isn't a wise move even for you. Bloody Red is the most dangerous person I have ever met." Robin said. Alex rolled her eyes and twisted the Jokers arm, grabbed his gun, kicked him on the floor, and shot him in the balls.

"Oh my god, she shot him in the balls!"

"What can I say, I'm a badass." Alex shrugged. "Ow,"

"Are you okay?"

"What does it look like?"

"Sister, let's get you have Pennyworth take a look at your wounds."

"I think I lost a lot of blood. I should be fine."

"It looks like you lost close to two quarts. You'll pass out in... 3... 2... 1..."
Alex fell with a thud only going down with her middle finger up at Robin. Robin smirk in triumph.

"Red Hood, carry her."

"Whatever short stack."

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