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~this will not be the last chapter there's a lot more! I just have to take a break from writing due to school work:) they're testing my patience and will to live 😂

~General POV~

"Hey love! you're back, let's go upstairs and relax." Since Bill did you the favor, you completely forgot who Percy was to you. You were aware Percy was the older brother but you remembered nothing more, and had no desire to care. "Relax from what?" You had a blank expression on your face, looking directly at George. "You've been upset about Percy for weeks, you've been on edge and won't relax." Fred said before George had the chance, everyone stared at the conversation going on, Bill slouched in his seat knowing the next word to come out of your mouth will back fire at him. He thought to himself 'Merlin don't say what I know you're going to say' but you did. "Who?" Everyone gasped and turned to Bill. "She was begging for help, she needed it. I'm sorry but she made me promise I would do it. She was in pain." He blurted out defending himself. "So you got rid of the-" "yes! You think it was easy for me to sit there and watch my best friend in complete and utter pain because of her best friend and my brother? You think it was easy to point my wand at her and get rid of her memory of Percy? All those memories with Percy also had memories with me, she barely remembers me anymore and if she does it's because those memories with Percy were replaced with me. Watch. Y/n how'd we meet?" Bill looked at you and lowered his tone as everyone watched in anticipation of your next response. "At the bookshop I knocked you down." "Bloody hell so all her memories of Percy are erased but those memories are now mine and hers instead." Bill continued. The twins hugged the eldest Weasley and muttered a 'thank you' they were grateful because they didn't want to see her in pain anymore. With that they took her upstairs to their room, while the family went outside.

  ~Y/n's POV~

        As soon as I entered the twins room the instantly threw me on the bed, I knew what was going to happen and I already felt my core dripping for the them. Just before they got on top of me *KNOCK KNOCK* Bill walked in, was he always this attractive? No no no. Just shut up y/n nows not the time for this. "Y/n can we talk?" The way he even looked at me made me squirm and the twins noticed that. "You alright darling? You seem as if you're having a problem." George smirked. I thought he'd be more along the lines of angry but I guess I was wrong. "Yeah I'm fine George shut it. Yeah Bill let's go." I smiled sweetly at him and kissed Fred and George before heading off. "Can we go to your house and talk?" I certainly didn't mind so without answer I grabbed his hand and he apparated us into my room. He came extremely close in proximity and reached up with his soft hand stroking my cheek. "I know Ginny told you I'm in love with you....but I know you love the twins. I'll live with that but tell me if you feel something for me, I have to know your thoughts. I didn't want to use a charm on you to read them." Bill looked away scared you'd reject and never want anything to do with him. You looked at your pictures of you and Bill all around your room, you really asked yourself 'do I feel something for him, even slightly?' Everything hit you at once, your heart felt like a race horse, while the rest of your body felt numb. You couldn't feel a thing, worried you were going to pass out you grabbed Bill's around, he knew this action so he snaked his arm around your waist and guided you to sit down. "Love don't feel overwhelmed to answer me." He stroked y/n's cheek trying to calm her down. "I-I think I-I m-might have f-feelings" she looked down ashamed, considering she's dating the twins, her heart broke hearing the words come out of her mouth. She started to cry, Sirius was outside the door listening and thought it was the best time to intervene and help both of them out. "Sweetheart, you can be attracted to more than one person. Bill has always protected you, he wouldn't hurt you it's not a terrible thing that he's in love with you. How about you both stay here for a while to figure things out? I'll owl Molly to have Fred and George come over as well. The three of you can figure this out together. Come down for dinner I made chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy." Sirius was the most understanding father there ever was, and with that you got up and hugged Bill, then going to your father hugging him tightly. "I love you dad, you're the best. Thank you." You uttered out while tears running down your cheek and headed down to eat.

Mischief Managed to love the Weasley twins (x reader story)Where stories live. Discover now