Chapter 5

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"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohm-", Hinata's excited words were cut off as Kenma clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Sho-chan.", He scolded, lowering the hand and scooping him into a hug.

"Sorry sorry! I'm just really really happy! I haven't seen you for a while!", Hinata smiled, bouncing in place and hugging Kenma back tightly.

"Sho-chan, I video called you yesterday..."

"Not the same!", He countered, lifting Kenma up and twirling him around like he does to Natsu. Setting his brother down - hah, he set a setter - he turned towards Yuuri. "Where's everybody else? I don't see Lev or Alisa anywhere, and I'm pretty sure if Viktor was here I'd have been tackled with a hug by now, no?"

Yuuri laughed, "You're not wrong, they're out picking up stuff for katsudon right now." He looked off into the distance wistfully, either missing his husband and children, or wishing he could have said katsudon now. Hard to tell, he loves them just about equally. "They took Makkachin with them too, so just you wait. You'll have three hyper bundles of joy knocking you into the pavement,"

Kenma nodded in agreement, looking up from his game - when did he pull that out? - long enough to pay Hinata's back consolingly, like he was already dead.

"D- Don't worry guys!", Shouyou cried, gathering his courage. "I'll be mildly concussed at worst! ...Probably... Ah, who am I kidding, I'm definitely going to need to write my will - who has paper? A pen?" Yuuri, Yuri, and Kenma, being the traitors they are, laughed at his misery.


"Shouyou!", Lev exclaimed, jumping out of the car the moment it stopped, sprinting towards Hinata who had deliberately moved onto the grass.

He was proud to say his planning worked out, and he only got grass stains on his clothes and dirt in his hair when the unfairly tall boy tackled him. Makkachin, of course, followed shortly after, a big, furry lump, who Hinata loved with all his heart.

Finally when he was able to stand, Viktor swooped in, pulling him up and off his feet into yet another hug.

"C'mon guys.", Yuuri said, smiling, one hand on Hinata's shoulder as he tried to breathe in Viktor's rib-crushing hug. It was a futile effort. 

Here lies Hinata Shouyou, unofficially named Hinata-Kozume-Katsuki-Nikiforov Shouyou, but that'd be a mouthful... Oh great, he's even rambling on his tombstone.

Suddenly he was set down on the ground, air rushing back into his lungs as he coughs for a second, Kenma and Yuuri patting his back as Yuri laughs maniacally in the background. Viktor looks only mildly apologetic and Lev and Alisa, the latter of which had given him a quick, sensible hug, looked far too amused for Shouyou's liking.

"...Anyways.", Kenma breaks the silence, which had only been punctuated by Hinata's occasional coughs. "Can I play a couple games with you, Sho-chan? Lev can talk to you afterwards, I know he wants to. Oh, and Kuroo's gonna be here in around..." 

He checked his phone. "...Forty-five minutes. He said he wanted to see you. I know he just wants Yuuri's katsudon."

Surprisingly, this isn't said with an annoyed expression. Quite the opposite, Kenma said it with a soft, blissful smile, evidently thinking back on the conversation he was explaining.

"Shouyou! Shouyou! Remember the guy I told you about, named Yaku?", Lev asked excitedly, grinning down at his older brother. Kenma walked inside to wait for Shouyou.

"You've told me about how cute he is. Every. Single. Time. You called. How could I not remember him?", Hinata giggled, hoisting Natsu up on his shoulders as she ran towards him, bored with whatever she and Yuri had been doing.

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