Chapter 12

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Another lonely two weeks have passed without any news from Great, I was getting even more anxious about him and Singto had no time for me, he started dating Krist so he was going out all the time with him . I wondered if he forgot about my existence.

Studying, overthinking, worrying... that was what my life was all about those few weeks, I was almost losing my mind, couldn't sleep nor do anything well.


"Hello! Anybody's home?!" I shouted as I entered Great's parents' house.

Yes, I went to his house to see if he was there and see if he was okay, and alone!

"Oh my God, Bhu what are you doing here? Did you both come to spend the weekend here?" Max said while walking towards me.

"Well first, can I have some water please that was a long road...?" I replied.

"Yeah of course, come in" he said and brought me a cup of water.

"Are you alone? Where is Great?" he asked me.

"I thought he was here? Isn't he here? I came to see him!" I was way too shocked and even more worried that moment.

"No he isn't, why would he be here? did you guys fight or something?" Max asked.

"No, we didn't. I don't know why he disappeared and not contacting me, it's been 4 weeks already... I'm worried something might have happened to him." tears started falling as I was speaking, I couldn't stop them, I was very anxious and worried about him, my feelings were too mixed, I didn't know what I was feeling anymore. I just wanted to talk to Great, to know where he is, why he isn't answering me and why he disappeared... I just wanted to know if he was okay...

"Hey! Don't cry little one! I'll try calling him for you; please don't be sad precious soul. I promise he is okay." Max said and hugged me.

"TUL! COME HERE!" he shouted.

"Yes! Coming. Oh my God! What's wrong with small bae?" Tul asked and sat next to me caressing my shoulders.

"Stay with him a little bit, I'll try calling Great. Please take good care of him." Max said, grabbed his phone and went outside to call Great.

"Soft bean, why are you crying?" Tul asked me while hugging me.

I told him what's happening so he just hugged me tight and rubbed my head.

"It's okay, it's okay. Calm down, precious one, he will be okay. Great is so strong, remember?" He said and tickled me.

"I know, but I'm still worried about him." I said.

"It's normal to worry, but it is not okay hurting yourself like that!" he said and went silent for a minute. "C'mon! Let's make some hot chocolate and go watch a movie, yes or yes?" he added and pulled me behind him to the kitchen.

Tul taught me how to do hot chocolate with marshmallows and we went to the living room, he played the movie <home alone>. He helped me relax a little bit, and I laughed so much while watching.

Max called Great too many times but he couldn't reach him, he called his friends but none of them knows anything about him.

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