Chapter 4

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The first day of exams, I woke up very early, prepared myself, drank my cup of coffee with Singto, we had some time left before we go to the university. He was telling me his thoughts and that he was feeling very anxious and nervous about his tests, I tried my best to make him feel less nervous and cheer him up, he had studied so hard and I wanted him to believe in himself. After finishing our coffee, we walked to the university.
It was too early that the campus was empty; nobody was there, so we just sat in the cafeteria reviewing for the exams. I wanted to eat some chocolate, I went to buy some, I saw someone there, I think I’ve seen him before, but I wasn’t sure who was it. He looked at me in the eyes and smiled, he looked so handsome. I bought my chocolate bar, the cafeteria woman gave me a cup of pink milk, and I was confused for a second because I hadn’t ordered it.
“Excuse me? This pink milk is not mine, I didn’t order it…” I said.
“I know you didn’t but somebody ordered it for you before” she answered me.
“Who was it?” I asked her again but she didn’t answer me and just smiled.
This was so confusing, who would order something for me? Anyways it felt nice, someone actually cares about me. I took the pink milk cup and she gave me a sticky note, she told me that it was from the same person who ordered this, it was written on it
“Good luck today! I believe you can do great! ”
That person kept on making me feel good in my hard days; I always wondered who it was.
A few hours later, I finished my exams and went back home with Singto. While I was studying for the second day of exams, I found myself lost in my thoughts; his good-looking face and the way he looked at me were still engraved in my memory. But I didn’t know if he’s in our faculty or not, I’ve seen him before but I wasn’t sure where, maybe he’s a senior or something.
Singto and I were eating dinner and talking as usual; he was feeling happy because apparently he had met someone cute today and he was excited to get to know him.
“You can’t imagine how cute he is! He’s so handsome. I actually asked about him, his name is Krist, a senior in the faculty of law. He went to our library to get some books about art; I guess it’s for his projects or something” singto said.
“Wow! You know a lot about him, even what books he wanted!” I said.
“Yes, I actually followed him to the library and saw him take books related to art” he replied.
“You’re even stalking him, hahaha” I said and laughed too hard.
“Well yes, he is so cute, I really wanted to know who he is” singto answered and continued eating with an embarrassing look on his face. My friend had already fallen in love; it was the cutest thing that I saw today.

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