February 4, 2000 II

837 21 12

Fuckshit's POV

"Wouldn't it feel nice take a little puff? You deserve it after this long."

That's what the devil on my shoulder was telling me in that moment.

"Come on Fuckshit, it's just this one time."

Lyciana's POV

Fuckshit pauses and looks at the joint, then I finally get a response.

"Nah, It's cool. I don't smoke."

Huh, the infamous Fuckshit doesn't smoke. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just not what I expected. All the stories I've heard about Fuckshit described him as a crazy, wild, party animal, who definitely smoked.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know," I say, putting it out with a licked finger.

"Don't worry about it."

"Hey, I've never gotten the chance to ask— why do people call you that?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What? Fuckshit?"

"Yeah, that's so weird."

"There's no crazy reason. I just say it a lot."

"I just can't believe everyone calls you that."

"It's cool," he says, shrugging.

"Do your parents call you Fuckshit?"

He crosses his arms, looking at me. "Do you think my parents call me Fuckshit? What do you think they say? 'Oh, Fuckshit! Dinner's ready!'"

"Fine, fair point," I say, and we both chuckle to each other.

As the laughter died down, we just sat there in silence, staring at the TV, which was off.

Fuckshit's POV

"Do you wanna leave this function?" I start. "I kinda just wanna chill with you."

"And go where?"

"Shit, I mean I saw they have a nice ass pool," I say, shrugging.

"It's like 1AM—"

"What's your point?"

"Well, I don't know. That it's closed?"

"Makes it even better right?"

I don't know what pushed me to start this conversation. Why would I ask someone I barely know to hang out, at night, outside? That's fucking weird. Shit, I mean, I have game but this was definitely not it.

Lyciana turned to look in my direction, cocking her head and pouting her lips to the side as if she were thinking.

"What if people notice we're gone?"

I laugh and start to observe my surroundings. It was more wild than it was when we came in. The blaring music was distracting enough, not to mention all the extreme PDA. I turn around and notice Ruben, chugging a whole bottle of chocolate Bacardi Breezer on a table, proceeding to slam it on the ground, making Lyciana jump. Shit, if you're gonna do all that, at least pick the peach or pineapple flavor. The fuck?

I look back at her after analyzing the crime scene. "Please, with Ruben here?"

I started to get up and instantly felt the vibrations of the music start to flow through me. I turned toward Lyciana and held out my hand. Once she grabbed it, I knew that we were in for a ride. My feet led us through the maze of people, dodging every obstacle that came in our way and finally, we reached the end: the door.

Once we stepped foot outside the hotel room and closed the door, my muscles relaxed and I felt more at peace. At the same time, I knew the night was still young.

We made our way through the halls, twisting and turning until we finally reached our destination. I tried to open the door to get to the pool, for some reason not expecting it to be locked.

Shaking the door knob, I turn to Lyciana. "You got a bobby pin?"

She crosses her arms. "A bobby pin? Seriously?"


"You know that shit only works in the movies, right?"

I raise an eyebrow, holding out my hand. "Really now?"

Lyciana shakes her head as she checks her bag, pulling out a large bobby pin and handing it to me, face full of doubt.

I give her a smile, turning back toward the door and I insert the pin into the keyhole. Once I heard the reassuring click, I turn back around to look at her.

"Only in the movies, right?"

She looks down and shakes her head, but I could see her smile anyway.

We made our way out the door and take in the pool. It was your typical hotel pool, rectangular with chairs surrounding the perimeter. Regardless, it was most definitely a nice ass pool and I was gonna enjoy myself.

I started to take my shirt off and all I got was a stare from Lyciana.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, what are we here for?" I say, taking my pants off. It's cool though, I had shorts underneath.

She looked at me in disbelief. "Shit, I didn't actually think you were gonna go in," she says.

"You are too."

"Hell no."

"Come on," I say, nudging her shoulder.

"I don't even have anything to wear."

"Do I?" I say, crossing my arms. "Exactly."

I backed up and jumped into the pool, running. The impact had water splash all over her.

Her jaw drops. "This is my favorite shirt!"

"It's pool water."

As she stood there, with her mouth and eyes wide open, looking down on me, she bursts out laughing. I don't know what was so funny, but that's what made me laugh too, and we both just laughed for a minute. She started to take her clothes off. You can imagine what I was thinking, no need to say that shit. Fuck, shit. She killed me.

She sat down on the ledge of the pool and slid her way in, contrary to my rough entrance.

"Shit, it's fucking cold."

"What were you expecting?"

"No need for the 'tude, pretty boy."

"Pretty boy?" I scoffed. "At least you know."

We pretty much just spent the next hour in the pool, not swimming but just relaxing, floating. I always took molly to make me feel like I was floating. It's definitely not the same feeling, but it felt nice. I looked at the stars that were beaming right back at me. I could see every light coming from each of the buildings in the city, wondering what each person behind the glass was doing.

I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time.

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