February 9, 2000 III

807 20 3

Lyciana's POV

The atmosphere of the group was weird, I was feeling some awkward tension between each of us, and I didn't know whether to break it or leave that in someone else's hands.

Estee clears her throat. "Well, good talk. We should probably go," she says, grabbing me and Raq by the arm, starting to drag the both of us away.

"Bye?" Fuckshit says, standing alone in confusion, watching us make our way down the street.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Estee, what the fuck was that?"

"What was what?" She asks, adjusting her glance to the sky.


"Nothing, we just have history I guess."

I looked at her with skepticism. "History... with Fuckshit?"

Like I said before, I know about Fuckshit. I know what he's like, or was like with girls. I haven't been here for as long as everyone else, but I've learned enough from word of mouth, and from what I've heard, the most "history" Fuckshit has with someone is one night, maybe two, tops.

"It's whatever, really Cici."

Estee rolls her eyes. "It's definitely not whatever. That shit was almost 2 years. They literally just ended it last year."

"Estee!" Raq says, shaking her head. "We never even dated, it was just a thing."

"That man loved her yo," Estee cuts her off. "You did too, don't lie."

"Loved me enough to cheat on me every fucking weekend and never call me his girlfriend, right Estee?"

I didn't know what to think. "Shit Raq, has he always been like that?"

"Yeah, so it's partly my fault," she sighs. "I just thought he could change, you know?"

"You can only change if you really want to," Estee adds. "I always told you that you were too good for him anyway."

"I know."

They made it sound like Fuckshit was a video game, like he was the boss level or something, like he was impossible to get past. It was intriguing to me, he was intriguing to me. Something about him, I don't know what it was but I wanted to know more. I wanted to see more, of him. But at the same time, I knew that the closer I got to him, the more hurt I'd end up. But that's only if romantic shit is involved, who said we can't just be friends?

"Cici, Cici," Estee says, waving her hand in my face. "You still with us girl?"

"Sorry, I totally spaced."

Fuckshit's POV

Fuck, shit. A lot of weird things have been happening since I got back. Shit, I mean, Raquel? I didn't think I'd see her again, and the fact that her and Lyciana are friends. I mean fuck, I hope she's just visiting. That shit's ridiculous. That's what we call a small world.

I stood in the same spot that they left me in, just stunned. I pulled out my pager, fuck, I needed a new phone.


A minute later, I heard a beep, and just like that, I was on my way. Taxi money.

I made my way to the complex, looking back at the pager and back at the doors.

"Okay, 1231 SE," I say, knocking on the door.

A shirtless Ray opens the door, laughing at something behind him.

"What's up man," he says, clearing his throat. "I didn't think you'd get here so fast."

"Yo," I start, eyeing him. "Your girl here isn't she?"

Someone erupts in laughter behind him, making him start to laugh too.

I respond with a lazy smile. "I can come back."

"No, no, I was just leaving," Lenae says, stumbling to put her shoes on, then planting a sloppy kiss on Ray's mouth. "Bye Rayray, Fuckshit."

Ray raises both eyebrows, and shakes his head along with a goofy smile.


"Man, shut up," we both lose it. "For real though, what's on your mind?" He starts to walk back inside his apartment, leading me in. It was a nice little bachelor pad, one bedroom, one bathroom type shit. The colors of the rooms were warm, kind of rustic, mixed with some grunge. Ray made his way to the couch and threw on a wife beater that was just sitting on the arm. We sat, and I told him everything that happened earlier.

He didn't seem as surprised as I was. "Shit man,Raq's been back for a minute now."

"You knew?"

"Yeah, but you've been back, what? A week? I haven't seen you in 2 years? You think Raq's really been on my mind?"

"She just has to be friends with Lyciana though, right?" I sigh.

"Yo, they're not even close like that, it's a friends by association thing. I'd say Estee is Lyciana's best friend."

"Like that makes a difference. She probably thinks I'm a whore."

"I mean, it's common knowledge at this point."

"Nigga, I'm serious," I say, slumping down on the couch.

"What," He starts. "Don't tell me you actually like her."

I furrow my eyebrows, glaring. "What? Did I say that?"

"No. Ruben said you were just tryna' fuck anyway," he says. "Which, by the way, I don't condone that shit."

"I didn't say that shit."

"I hate to say it nigga, but what else would your intentions with her be? What? Friends?" He questions, laughing at the idea.

"Fuck, is that such a crazy concept?"

"Knowing you?" Ray starts. "Yeah."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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