February 9, 2000

684 17 4

The bell to the shop rang.

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Ruben was finally old enough to work at the shop now, and there he was, at the register ringing out the only customer. My eyes stayed glued to the TV, knowing the natural instinct would be to look up, seeing who had arrived. I saw a figure move in my direction, eventually plopping down next to me. For some reason, I wasn't surprised to see who it was.

I brush my hair out of my face. "So you are alive?"

"Calling is free, you know?"

Actually, calling isn't free, my parents pay for that shit.

Lyciana turns to me, responding to my silence. "I'm sorry my sister bugged on you."

"It's cool, I've gone through worse. Trust me," I say, Stevie's mom popping in my head.

"Worse than Janelle? Yeah right."

"It's a story for another time," I say, focusing back on the TV. "Why are you here anyway?"

Lyciana paused, a sound came from her mouth telling me she was about to respond, but then a couple more seconds passed by. "It's a public shop, is it not?"

"Shit, I guess," I say, shrugging, sinking further into my seat.


"I'on see you shopping though," I say, turning to her with a sinister smirk.

"Damn, Lyciana, if you wanted to suck his dick just say that!" Ruben shouts across the room, letting the customer walk out, shaking his head.

"Holy shit Ruben, and you wonder why you get no pussy," she says, getting up and swiping his hat.

Ruben snatches it right back, scrunching his eyebrows. "Oh, trust me 'Cici', I get pussy," he says, as I respond in laughter.

"Whatever you say loser," she says, rolling her eyes. "I was just passing by. Me and Estee are about to have lunch at ZaZa's," a buzz. "Shit, she's calling me. See you bitches around."

ZaZa's. The most popular local diner in the area. ZaZa's was probably one of my favorite old time spots when I was in high school. It was just one of those places that I could go to, whenever, and just feel safe. Shit, I'm not gonna lie, I would always be going in there at 3AM high off my ass, specifically off of edibles, always wondering if the waitress could tell that I was high. I hadn't been there in a while either.

Ruben makes his way toward the couch. "Shit, we've missed you around ZaZa's," he says, dangling his leg over the armrest.

"Yeah, every time I went there it was for the same reason."

"I guess," he glances at me, and the door. "You know why Lyciana was here, right?"

"Where are you going with this?"

"She wanted to see you."

"Shit, who wouldn't? Have you seen me?"

Ruben sneers, rolling his eyes. "Just so you know, once you hit, a congratulations will be in order," he holds out his hand.

I laugh to myself, shaking my head, and give him our honorable handshake. "Sure Ruben."

"Sure?" He asks, squinting. "Is it just me or do you sound hesitant?"

"Nigga, I just got back from rehab."


"I'm trying to change my image," I say, my eyes rolling back to the TV.

"Fuck's that gotta do with girls?" He says, slapping my shoulder. "At this point, I'll fuck her myself."

"Yo, relax," I respond, furrowing my eyebrows. "It's not that deep, and believe me. She wouldn't fuck you little man."

"Suck my dick Fuckshit."

"Shit, ask her that, not me."

"You fruity for that."

I shake my head. "Nigga, you still on the gay jokes? Another thing that hasn't changed, huh?" That shit was hella annoying. I paused for a second. "Wait, you're the one who said 'suck my dick,' so how am I the fruity one?"

This nigga Ruben thinks everything is "gay." It's fucking ridiculous.

"Ok, well you know what you are gay for?"

I sat in silence, not wanting to listen to his bullshit.

"Having the chance to hit but not going for it."

"Ruben," I start, slowly turning toward him. "You know I'll fucking smash that," I got up from my seat, and walked right out that fucking door.

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