chapter ten

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Third person's pov

Nayeon and jeongyeon together with tzuyu and chaeyoung are outside Nayeon's house,
They decided to tell Nayeons parents about what really happened

Jeongyeon is shaking internally while Nayeon is trying to cheer her up,
"I'll press the doorbell now"
Tzuyu said and was about to push it when chaeyoung grabbed her hand, "jeongyeon isn't ready yet!"
Chaeyoung said, they all looked at jeongyeon, but jeongyeon seems to be looking so fine so tzuyu pushed chaengs hands away and pushed the doorbell

"Just relax jeongie"
Nayeon said and give Jeongyeon a peck on her lips,
The gate opened and it was one of Nayeon's maid who opened it, as the maid saw them her eyes widened

She didn't finished her words as Nayeon hugged her, "hey I miss you!"
She said, the maid left in shock so Nayeon leave her over there and walk towards their house, the other girls followed her

They headed to the living room when they entered the house, all of the maids around we're so shock when they saw Nayeon, Nayeon acted like nothing happened, "where are my parents?"
She asked, No one dares to answer since all of them were speechless in shock

"Why do people here are so weird? Are they terrified Are you that ugly Nayeon?"
Tzuyu asked, Nayeon slapped her shoulder lightly, "they're just surprised that the most beautiful person In the house is back"
She said while chuckling, The three girls just shut their mouths

Meanwhile they heard footsteps coming from upstairs so the three of them already know it was Nayeon's parents,
Nayeon sat on the couch together with chae and tzuyu but jeongyeon stayed still,
She got even more nervous than before

"Jeongie calm down"
Chaeyoung said and pulled jeongie to sat on the couch, the footsteps stopped, "n-nayeon?"
Nayeon's mom was startled to see her daughter, Nayeon looks so fine, Nayeon's father is also in shock,
Their tears starts streaming down their faces

Nayeon ran towards them and hugged them, her parents hugged her tightly,
"Oh gosh we thought we lost you"
Nayeon's mom said between her sobs,
"Officers,thank you from bringing my daughter back"
Nayeon's father thanked the three girls who's still sitting on the couch,
The three of them don't know what to response cuz first of all jeongyeon is the reason why their daughter went missing ..

After half hour of Nayeon's parents crying over her and how they were great ful to see her again,
They finally calmed their selves down and went to the living room to join the three girls who got froze in nervousness

"We really owe you three, thank you for bringing Nayeon back"
Nayeon's mom said,
But was startled when nayeon sat beside jeongyeon and hold her hands,
Her parents look at each other and then to Nayeon and jeongyeon

"Umm...what is happening?"
Nayeon's father asked, " don't need to thank me.."
Jeongyeon said, Tzuyu and chaeyoung heave a deep sigh knowing that, this is it, jeongyeon's going to spill the tea


"Because it was all my fault"

The parents got even more curios,
"What do you mean?"
Nayeon's mother asked,
"I kidnapped her..I'm sorry"

Nayeon's mom still couldn't process everything that jeongyeon said, "you're crazy.."

Nayeon's dad quickly understand what jeongyeon meant,
"So you took our daughter away from us for your self?"
Nayeon's dad asked but he's calm, he's sure there's an explanation in every little things

Nayeon's mother was about to slap jeongyeon but her father quickly stopped her,
Nayeon starts crying, while jeongyeon is trying to hold her tears back

"I'm sorry'am, I really do love your daughter"
She said with all of her heart, "THAT'S NOT A VALID REASON!"
She shouted, Nayeon's dad sighed, "Dear calm down, I'll talk to officer jeongyeon and settle things"
He said, Nayeon's mother sat on the couch crying, Nayeon went Beside her and hugged her, "mom I'm sorry"
She said, her mom keeps on crying and sobbing

"Follow me"
Nayeon's father said, jeongyeon followed him, the two of them went to the backyard and sat on the couch by the huge pool,
Nayeon's dad also ordered one of their maids to bring wines for them

Jeongyeon was nervous that Nayeon's father might bit her up anytime now,
The maid arrive with bottle of wine and put it on the center table,
"My favourite wine"
He said and put wined on the two glasses, he handed one glass to jeongyeon, jeongyeon quickly grabbed it and sip all of it,
Nayeon's dad chuckled

"Don't be so nervous"
He said, "I'm really sorry.."
Jeongyeon said, Nayeon's dad put down the glass of wine and faced jeongyeon

"You know, I see myself in you.."
He started, jeongyeon got curious,
What does he mean by that?

"I also kidnapped Nayeon's mom back then, her parents really don't like me for their daughter so I made a way to get her, and that's it, I give her back to her parents after 2 years and we're so damn inlove, And her parents still not obeying us so we decided to build our own family, but we promise to be successful in life first before having a child..
It's hard to pursue someone who you think is impossible to be yours,
And I don't want you to feel what I feel back then, The feeling of trying your best just for her parents to like you, it's hard"

Jeongyeon couldn't believe what she heard, But she became so happy that Nayeon's father obey her to be with their daughter,
She didn't expected things would get better,
She's so great ful, "thank you sir"
She said and her tears starts streaming "it's nothing don't worry about it, stop crying"

"Thank you sir so much.."

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