Celeste and draco are getting ready for celeste to meet draco's parents celeste was nervous Celeste goes to draco shows her outfit
Hey dray celeste said
Hey darling draco said
Umm can i show you what im wearing? Celeste said
yeah darling draco said
Show draco this
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Wow darling you look amazing draco said
Thanks dray celeste said
Here's what im gonna wear draco said
Draco shows celeste this
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Wow draco you look so handsome celeste saidNow be ready darling we're gonna go now draco said
I will don't worry celeste said
Celeste and draco arrived in the malfoy manor celeste was nervous her hand is shaking draco hold it smiles at celeste
Its okay celeste draco said
Sighs okay celeste said
Draco and celeste enter the malfoy manor
Celeste saw narcissa and celeste introduce herself to narcissa
Hi im celeste Rosewell celeste said
Hi celeste Rosewell im narcissa malfoy im draco's mother
Alright mom draco said
Celeste laughs and they head to lucius malfoy
Draco I'm scared celeste said
Its okay celeste draco said
Celeste saw lucius sitting in a chair
Hi im- celeste said
Celeste Rosewell lucius said
Draco has told me all about you lucius said
Celeste awkwardly laughs*
Well let's eat shall we? Lucius said
Yes father draco said
Celeste,draco, narcissa and draco eat dinner and talk about celeste
So celeste since when did you like draco lucius said
Celeste looks at draco and draco held her hands
Its okay draco said
I like draco when its our second year at hogwarts celeste said
Ridiculous lucius said
Narcissa,draco and celeste looked at lucius
I-i have to go celeste said
Celeste stands up and cries and go to the forest
Draco follows celesteTO BE CONTINUE.....DZAIII 🙂👍