it was morning at Hogwarts and celeste gets out of the girl's dormitory and all Slytherins are on her looking head to toe and celeste looks at them with a weird look but she didn't mind it so she goes to the great and that's when she got shocked all students are on her she looked at them a weird look she didn't professor snape was behind her
miss Rosewell professor snape said
celeste turns around and sees professor snape
professor celeste said
in my professor snape said
but- celeste said
now! professor snape said
okay celeste said
professor snape and celeste goes to his office and talked
what were you doing with Mr. Malfoy the other day in the common room professor snape asked
Celeste looked at professor snape
nothing...professor Celeste said and her heart was pounding her hand was shaking
are you sure ms Rosewell? professor snape said
y-ye-yes...professor celeste said
fine! you may go professor snape said
Celeste gets out of his office and goes to the great hall and sees Draco sitting at the Slytherin table celeste runs to Draco and sit next to him
Draco! celeste said
what!? Draco said to celeste
come with me right now celeste said and takes his hand and goes to the astronomy tower
dr-Draco how did professor snape knows celeste said and cries
know what celeste!? Draco said
knows we make out Draco!! celeste said and looks and Draco while crying
...Draco is just looking at her cant believe what she said
Draco how? celeste said
Draco gets closer to celeste and hugs her tight
celeste I didn't tell anyone I promise I didn't Draco said while hugging her
Draco I'm scared the whole school knows if the headmaster hears this the both of us we'll be expelled celeste said
we are not going to be expelled Draco said and cups her face
okay celeste said weakly
good Draco said and smiles
now let's get out of here celeste said
okay Draco said
celeste and Draco goes to the common room as they enter they saw the professor and other Slytherins
TO BE CONTINUE...(~ ̄▽ ̄)~