Day 1

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" CAME ON!, you guys "

Ashley shouted across the road. We walked up this hill, until own legs felt like its going to pop out of our hip.

We have decided to go hiking at Tongass National in Alaska . It was spring break, and we toke a plane there.Me and my friends, Ashley and Sauria, had decided to go on a trip before high school graduation . 

Sauria and I caught up to her and saw the cabin that we were standing in tonight. When we got into the cabin, and saw a old man. The old man notice us and said

" Welcome to Tongass National forest "

We gave him a warm smile and said if he own this cabin? He nod and said that this was his granddaughter cabin, before she moved into the city. He toke own bag up into own room and told us to relax, and make your self at home, but instead we decided to go hiking up into mountain. He walked up to up and said

" Be sure to get back before it get dark, or you may never go back to you town, ever again "

We gave him a look, and though of what he said. We nod own heads and walk out of the cabin. Ashley ran in front of us laughing and said

" HAHAHAHA is that supposed to scared us? "

" Don't say that Ashley, he was just saying that, we have to be careful around the mountain, that's all " said Sauria

Just before i could jump in to the conversation, my eyes caught this amazing view of the mountain, where the water is flowing out of the peak of the mountain.

" HEY guys, LOOK " as i pointed up at the waterfall

Both of them stop and look up toward the mountain, and saw the beauty of the water, falling down from the peak. I got out my phone and toke a picture and later a selfie with my friends.

We walked down the hill and into the lake that the waterfall made. Ashley toke off her shoes and ran toward the water, while sauria was looking at some flower by the lake. I looked up, toke a deep breath in, and smelt the fresh air of the mountain. Just before i could sit on the edge of the lake, Ashley jump into the water and splash some water all over me.

* cough, cough * " WHAT THE HELL, ASHLEY!!!!!!! "

" Just having fun, here " as she laughed

I gave her a look and splash water back at her. Sauria noticed that we were playing in the water and later come in to play( as I mean war) with us. We played in the water until we heard the bird chirp in front of us.

I stop and look at the chirping bird, as though the bird warning us. Ashley got out of the water and said ' we should go check out the moutain some more, before going back to the cabin'. But sauria said

" I think we should get back, before it get dark "

" Na, the cabin isn't that far. We can make it back there in time "

I jump in the conversation and said

" I agree with her, Ashley. I think we should go before its get dark. I mean we dont know what could be in the mountain at night "

Ashley got her stuff and walked a couple feet away from us. She step on something and turn around to found a phone on the floor.

We noticed the Ashley was hold it and run up to her. We ask her went did she got a new phone? But she said 'she didn't' and lift her phone up. I went up to her and grab the phone and saw that the phone was crack and wasn't working anymore.

" Who could leave there phone here, out in the mountain? " I ask

" Who knows, my phone is my life " said Ashley

I slide the phone into my pocket, just in case if it works. We looked around for other things and just 5 ft away from the phone, there was a rip up bag, that doesn't look like its useable anymore.

Sauria look at it and said that it doesn't look like it was torn by a person, but more like a animal. Than Sauria took a closer look at the bag and saw that there was a sort of slim that was blue-ish green. She touch the slim and -

" EWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!?!?!?! " Ashley shouted

Sauria was more like the smart one in the group, so she was interested in these type of stuff.

" Well for your information, I was just trying to found out why was the phone a few feet away from this bag, which is torn up by some sort of animal that was probable huge " said Sauria

" Well who cares " Ashley said sarcastically

I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun light is being eaten up by the night of the moon.

" Shouldn't we be heading back now " I said

" Oh your right,———-. Just let me get some of this slim looking thing " Sauria said

" Oh come on, lets just go! I need to use the bathroom " Ashley said

" Than go do your business by the bushes"

" But I want to use the restroom in our cabin " As she complained

" This will only take a sec "

Ashley walked around and than back and forward. She stopped and turn toward Sauria back.

" And you said a sec, Sauria " as she bend down to pick up a rock.

" Ok, Ok I done! Now we can go back to the cabin " Sauria said

" Yea!!!!! " as Ashley span around like a kid

I looked up toward the sky and saw that the sun was about to disappear into night. As I began to walk I hear a voice that sound like a moan. I began to feel like we aren't the only one around this area.

" I think we should hurry back to the cabin here" as I walk closer toward Sauria

" Sure thing, unless you make me some of your stew, ———- " as Ashley begin to ran toward the cabin.

I ignored the moan and said

" Your on!!! If you lose you would just have to make us food and give us half of your 50, than " as I run after her

" Wait up you guys!!!!!! " as Sauria shouted while catching up to us

As we ran to toward the cabin, we filled the night sky with the sound of our laugher.


Hello Asynavampire here, this is my 2nd book I have written, I hope you guys like it 😊, oh the ——— thing in the story is were you can use any name as you like

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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